Achievements celebrated at Duke of Edinburgh Awards ceremony

YOUNG people were recognised at a ceremony in Grimsby earlier this month for achieving their Duke of Edinburgh awards.
The Award, which was founded by His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh in 1956, to encourage young people to learn new skills and develop themselves.
There are three levels to the Award: Bronze, Silver and Gold, with each level getting progressively more difficult to complete. Each level is made up of different sections which youngsters much complete to achieve the full award. These are Voluntary, Skills, Expedition, Physical and Residential (gold only).
At Wednesday’s award ceremony, 16 young people were presented with their Bronze Award. A further 11 silver awards were presented, and 3 gold awards were awarded.
A number of students from Cambridge Park School received their awards, including 8 bronze award recipients and 7 silver award recipients.
The ceremony also recognised the work of local DofE Leader, Sue Campbell, who has supported young people for 43-years.
Sue, who works for North East Lincolnshire Council, has supported hundreds of young people from across the region to achieve the various levels of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
In a surprise segment, a citation was read on behalf of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme:
“With grateful thanks from the Patron, Chief Executive, and staff of DofE for your part in inspiring, supporting and guiding young people in their self-development and recognising their achievements.”
Speaking after the ceremony, Councillor Margaret Cracknell, portfolio holder for children and education at North East Lincolnshire Council, said:
“It always fills me with pride to see what our young people are achieving and to hear their stories. Each and every one of them has fought their own battles to get as far as they have done, and I commend them all.”
The Ceremony was attended by The Worshipful The Mayor of the Borough of North East Lincolnshire, Councillor Ian Lindley, Councillor Margaret Cracknell, Portfolio holder for Children and Young People, North East Lincolnshire Council Chief Executive, Rob Walsh, Duke of Edinburgh Coordinators Sue Campbell and Gemma Goodwin, a number of volunteers who facilitate the deliver of the Award Scheme in North East Lincolnshire.
Those students who go on to complete their Gold Awards will be invited to attend a formal ceremony in London hosted by HRH The Earl of Wessex.