Ofqual’s approach to external quality assurance

A guide to Ofqual’s approach to external quality assurance of apprenticeship end-point assessments.
The government is introducing new apprenticeships in England, led by the Institute for Apprenticeships. This guide is aimed at employers involved in this process. It details the way in which Ofqual, as the statutory regulator of qualifications, will approach the external quality assurance of end-point assessments.
Each apprentice is required to take an end-point assessment to complete their apprenticeship. The assessment will be delivered by a registered end-point assessment organisation.
The purpose of external quality assurance is to ensure that there is a consistent quality and approach to assessment across an apprenticeship standard, regardless of which organisation is delivering the assessment and where and when this is carried out.
Last updated 5 December 2018 – hide all updates
- Document updated to give a summary section for both employers and end-point assessment organisations. Links to relevant regulations included.
- First published.