Rocksteady Music School and Trinity College London mark a revolutionary new era for Music Education

In September 2021, Rocksteady Music School (@RSMusicSchool) and Trinity College London (@TrinityC_L) launched a new and more inclusive music qualification for Primary School children across the UK.
Today, February 7th Rocksteady Music School and Trinity College London announce that more Primary School children have enrolled on Rocksteady Music Schools ‘exam-free’ music qualification than took A-level music last year.
With enrolments beginning this week for the new Rocksteady qualification – ‘Music Performance in Bands’ awarded by Trinity Music College, the total number of students enrolled to this qualification surpass 6,000 students, which is more than 1,000 more than the 2021 summer enrolments for Music A-Level.
This revolutionary Ofqual regulated ‘exam free’ music qualification is available in UK primary schools who offer Rocksteady. Children gain a qualification based on skills observed in lessons, rather than in a one-off exam or end of year performance.
Rocksteady’s Director of Education, Rachel Hawker said:
“I’m thrilled that we have been able to enrol so many children who otherwise may have been unlikely to choose or have the opportunity to work towards a music qualification at this primary age. Because the program is designed around our existing technology, inclusive child-led pedagogy and a quality assurance infrastructure, children continue to enjoy all the fun and wellbeing benefits of their Rocksteady lessons without any distraction or stress of feeling like they are being measured.”
Trinity College London’s Director of Music, Francesca Christmas adds:
“Ensuring access to high-quality music education for all children has never been more important than now, and forward-thinking providers such as Rocksteady are creating music-making spaces that children can thrive within. Trinity College London is delighted to be supporting so many young people through our new qualification, where the assessment is designed specifically to support programmes of music-learning in bands.”