Safeguarding and Tackling Extremism in an Uncertain World

Tackling extremism and social division presents a significant challenge for Further Education (FE) and Skills leaders and educators. From far-right violence – as witnessed last summer – to religious extremism and extreme misogyny, the factors driving different forms of extremism are many and complex.
Palvinder Singh, Principal at Kirklees College, and Dr Vikki Smith, Executive Director, Education and Standards, at the Education and Training Foundation, came together to discuss some of the challenges facing educators in tackling extremism and ways to move forward as a sector. In this first article of their two-part series, they discuss the challenges posed by the rise of misinformation and an increasingly divided political landscape.
Acknowledging the Challenge
“It’s really tough being a leader and responding to the world as it is at the moment,” Palvinder says. “Years ago, we did not have to think about how we would protect our organisations and students in the event of a serious incident. Martyn’s Law (which increases preparedness for terrorist attacks at public venues) now means we need to prepare for those scenarios. That’s a huge responsibility on leaders’ shoulders and it affects students’ anxiety and wellbeing, too.”
“There is real fear,” Vikki responds, “and sadly that is partly a result of social disintegration. Many people are experiencing real hardship, and that can’t be ignored. We need to acknowledge where we are as a society, but not let ourselves get into that space of anxiety, fear and tension.”
Vikki continues: “The role of education is vital in this context. Having informed debates, taking into account different perspectives, thinking critically, and bringing back some of that language that we have lost sight of – around the role of civil society, social cohesion, and existing in harmony – is really important.”
A Climate of Misinformation
While extremism, in different forms, has posed a threat for decades, factors such as the rapid spread of misinformation online complicate efforts to tackle the spread of extremist ideas.
“It’s no coincidence that the rise of extremism has happened at a time when social media has got bigger and more powerful, and created less nuanced debate and more entrenched views,” Palvinder says.
Vikki responds: “Regardless of where you are and what opinion you hold, you often find yourself in an echo chamber on social media. You hear what you want to hear. And if that’s a positive lens or if it imbues a negative rhetoric, social media will reinforce that.”
“That’s definitely been the case,” Palvinder agrees. “But now with AI, we’re also seeing powerful algorithms that sometimes break down what have previously been echo chambers so that we’re all getting pushed hateful content or misinformation, including quotes and clips taken out of context. We have powerful international figures who openly call for the fall of society and some leading political figures are comfortable promoting blatant half-truths. It’s really difficult for FE and Skills leaders and practitioners to operate in that landscape.”
“Those half-truths are really polarising and are pitting groups against one another,” Vikki responds. “To some extent, the accountability and seriousness of office have been lost. There is lots of work to be done, and ground to recover, in rebuilding trust because we’ve been going backwards for many years.”
Broadening Approaches to Tackling Extremism
Many educators will associate efforts to identify and challenge extremism with the Prevent programme, established in 2005 and made a legal duty in 2013.
“Prevent is essentially a duty uniting health, local authorities, police and the criminal justice system to stop criminal and terrorist behaviour,” says Palvinder. “As a package, it’s sensible to bring together those anchor point organisations, but the term Prevent is difficult because of its associations.”
Vikki agrees: “The assumptions underpinning Prevent, and the focus that it has come to mean over time, have skewed perceptions of it, and taken it down a narrow route. Its broad intention is correct, so how do we get back to that broad aim?”
Palvinder continues: “We’re really talking about common values and clarifying what our expectations are of our communities. When you strip it back, it comes back to what the late MP, Jo Cox, said: we have more in common than that which divides us.”
“Language is hugely important,” adds Palvinder. “We need to be inclusive, and take a data-informed, intersectional approach to tackling extremism to avoid falling into damaging stereotypes. We can’t be reactionary. We have to be deliberate in taking measured responses that are grounded in empathy. That also means we can’t be purely punitive – there has to be a supportive element in understanding people’s vulnerabilities and supporting them to choose a different path if they do go down an extremist route. Learning lessons from trauma-informed practice is really important here.”
Agreeing, Vikki adds: “More broadly, that also means we need to be prepared to have constructive challenge and engage with debate, questioning each other’s biases and our own. Creating safe spaces for debate and challenge is really important, and education institutions play a vital role in providing that space.”
In their next article, Vikki and Palvinder discuss further the importance of a values-led, system-wide approach to safeguarding and tackling extremism.
By Palvinder Singh, Principal at Kirklees College, and Dr Vikki Smith, Executive Director, Education and Standards, at the Education and Training Foundation.