Education and Training Foundation appoints new Chair and new trustees

Following an open competitive recruitment process, the Board of the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) has appointed Peter Latchford OBE to succeed Paul Mullins OBE as Chair when his term ends in October 2019.
Rachel Musson has been appointed to the Board of Trustees from July 2019 and will be succeeding Steve Freer as Chair of Audit when his term ends in December 2019. Andrew McConnell OBE has also been appointed to the Board of Trustees from July 2019.
Peter Latchford is an experienced Chair, non-executive and executive director of a wide range of organisations in the public, private and third sectors. He has been a Visiting Professor of Enterprise at Birmingham City University since 2010.
The primary role of the Chair is to drive the effectiveness of its Board and the organisation. The Chair ensures the organisation has a robust strategy, clear priorities, and good governance. The Chair is independent and plays a key role in the development and maintenance of strong client, stakeholder and government relationships.
The ETF has successfully established itself as the national workforce development body for the Further Education and Training sector. It is currently growing further in its scope and impact, providing new development programmes in such key areas as leadership and governance, preparing for T Levels delivery, and growing the Society for Education and Training, which recently exceeded 20,000 members.
It has many challenges and opportunities now to contribute much more to the successful development of the sector. Peter Latchford and the Board will provide insight, challenge and support in driving change, meeting grassroots needs and government priorities.
Paul Mullins OBE, Chair of the Education and Training Foundation, said:
“The ETF has been built to the blueprint of a partnership between Government and the Further Education sector. It has successfully established itself as a key expert institution, focussed on developing the capacity and capability of the sector’s teaching profession and leadership. We have a robust organisation, strong working relationships with leaders and practitioners and the support of our Founding Members which we value highly. We are working more and more closely with Government successfully aligning on the ground needs with national priorities.
“In choosing a new Chair, we were particularly interested in attracting someone who brought independence of perspective coupled with a commitment to the ETF’s mission and values. They also had to bring the right skills and experience to play a full and active Chair role. We are delighted with the appointment of Peter Latchford.”
David Russell, Chief Executive of the Education and Training Foundation, said:
“The next five years are a crucial period for both the ETF and the Further Education sector as a whole. With the increasing recognition of the importance of the sector to the country and the vital role that the workforce plays, we have the opportunity for the organisation to play a far more strategic role than ever before. The guidance, expertise and positive challenge from the new Chair and Board will be a real asset.
“It is important to mark the crucial role that Paul Mullins and Steve Freer have played in both the establishment and direction of the charity. In the life of any organisation, the first years are absolutely vital in gaining credibility and setting a positive direction. Without their clear leadership, strong support and wise experience, the ETF would not be embarking on the exciting journey ahead.”
Julie Nerney, Chair of the Association of Colleges (Founding Member of the ETF), said:
“During the recruitment process, it was clear that Professor Latchford was completely in tune with the challenges and opportunities for both the organisation and the sector as a whole. His depth of understanding, motivation and thoughtful approach were exactly the qualities and values we were seeking for this vitally important role.”
Pat Carrington MBE, Chair of Holex (Founding Member of the ETF), said:
“We are very pleased with the appointment of Professor Latchford as Chair of the ETF Board. His welcome experience in supporting community and charity organisations will ensure that adult community education will continue to be a key part of the ETF’s workforce development support.”
Peter Latchford, Chair (Designate) of the Education and Training Foundation, said:
“We are in a time of major change. Further education is needed more than ever. Although the sector continues to experience enormous pressure, there is growing wider awareness that it has a unique ability to contribute to the country’s success, in both economic and wellbeing terms. And ETF is well positioned to support that process. I am excited to be joining the organisation, and grateful to those that have worked in partnership to get us to this point.”
The additional changes to the Board are:
The appointment of Rachel Musson to be Chair of the Audit Committee from December 2019. The experienced Chief Operating Officer and Chief Finance Officer has worked in senior roles across the public and private sectors. She will replace Steve Freer who steps down in December 2019 after his term of office comes to an end.
The appointment of Andrew McConnell OBE to the Board of Trustees. Mr McConnell is currently the Vice Chair of the Wakefield College Corporation where he will be taking the position of Chair in December 2019. He is currently the Director of Finance at the University of Huddersfield.