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HMCI on Ofsted Reform and ChatGPT Coursework Conundrum. Soundbite edition 691

Gavin O'Meara, FE News mugshot

Amanda Spielman on Ofsted Reform and will ChatGPT make marking coursework impossible? Soundbite edition 691. This is the weekly e-newsletter and e-journal brought to you by FE News: ISSN 2732-4095. We know life is busy, so here is a snapshot of the latest announcements and epic thought leadership articles from sector influencers and cool thinkers across FE and Skills this week on FE News.

Big sector announcements: Ofsted reform, ChatGPT Coursework Conundrum and more on Maths to 18:

What was the Sector Response to Amanda Spielman’s call to reform Ofsted? EDSK released a report this week which highlighted: ChatGPT has undermined calls to replace written exams with coursework. IfATE on Level 2 qualifications. Rishi announced more on Maths to 18… and it isn’t all about A Levels.. .they will be looking to develop new qualifications and being inspired by Australia to Finland for Maths courses of the future!

Exclusive Thought leadership articles from this week

Oli Kristall continued with the ChatGPT theme asking: ChatGPT in Education: The Future or a Fad?

This month is Stress Awareness Month:

We had two great Stress Awareness articles this month… from a very moving piece from John Loveday reflecting on his experience in the forces: Battle-Tested Strategies: Overcoming and Dealing with Stress, Lessons from the Military to Chris Thomson with Stress: A Survivor’s Story.

Ian Pryce wrote a really interesting piece: Undervalued Assets.

With more announcements on Maths to 18, David Redden wrote a very timely piece: Why even movie stars need maths.

Amarjit Basi wrote a really interesting piece: Reforms of post-16 qualifications threaten racial equity in education.

A stadium full of Senior Leaders on FE News

I don’t usually go on about things like Media Packs… and crunching the data… but… this week we updated out media pack …. and I found out some pretty interesting data.

In March 2023, FE News had 105,000 unique visitors (according to SimilarWeb).. okay we know this is normal for us…. but what I didn’t realise is that according to LinkedIn 70.9% of our audience are Senior Leadership. So in March this would be over 70,000 leaders. That is enough to fill Old Trafford stadium… we put together a video.. .can you guess how many double decker buses it would need to give 73,850 Senior Leaders a lift to Old Trafford?.. or how many times 73,850 Senior Leaders would fill the O2 Arena (did you know this which was opposite our first FE News office)?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy FE Soundbite this week!

Kind regards

Gavin O’Meara

CEO and Founder

FE News and FE Careers

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