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Government Ministers set to Raise Learning Profile at “Partners in Learning” Conference<

The Association of Learning Providers (ALP), a leading voice for independent learning providers throughout the United Kingdom, is to have its annual conference at London’s Stansted Airport on the 17th and 18th May 2006.

With the publication of Lord Leitch’s report on the future of skills imminent, this year’s “Partners in Learning” conference will take on added significance with the announcement today that Bill Rammell MP, Minister for Lifelong Learning and Margaret Hodge MP, Minister for Employment, will both be attending.

Topics to be Addressed

The inclusion of two high profile government ministers is set to add extra spice to this years event, as the main focus will be the debate surrounding Sir Andrew Foster’s far-reaching recommendations for the sector and the latest welfare-to work reform proposals.

Other topics confirmed for discussion will concentrate on the launch of “Train to Gain,” the new national employer training programme, the role of providers in taking forward the green paper proposals on welfare reform, the new framework for further improving quality in work based learning, the latest on the new qualifications framework and specialised diplomas, the Learning and Skills Council’s (LSC’s) “Agenda for Change” and regionalisation in the light of the Mayor of London’s bid to assume powers over skills in the capital.

Profile Higher than Ever

The Chief Executive of the ALP, Graham Hoyle said: “The profile of the Association of Learning Providers is higher than ever with two appearances already before Commons select committees this year and our views on taking forward the skills strategy carrying increasing weight in government circles. “Partners in Learning 2006” arrives at a crucial time, sandwiched between the DWP green paper, the Government’s response to Foster and the expected publication of Lord Leitch’s final report on skills.”

He continued: “Our willingness to challenge the policymakers over vital issues, such as the need for full contestability in skills provision, will guarantee that the conference will be a lively and stimulating occasion.”

With government ministers already confirmed, the line up of keynote speakers will also include many leading figures; David Sherlock, Chief Inspector of Adult Learning, David Way, Director of Skills, LSC, Sarah Jones, Chief Executive, Ufi, Jeff Jennings, BMW (UK) Ltd, Andrew Thompson, Chief Executive, Quality Improvement Agency, Richard Williams, Chief Executive, Rathbone Training, Ian Ferguson, LSC National Council member and Martin Dunford, Chairman, Association of Learning Providers.

Jason Seebaruth

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