Ofsted round-up – This week: 7Even Training Limited inspection
7Even Training Limited, Birmingham
Summary of grades awarded:
Effectiveness of provision Satisfactory: Grade 3
Capacity to improve Satisfactory: Grade 3
Achievement and standards Satisfactory: Grade 3
Quality of provision Satisfactory: Grade 3
Leadership and management Satisfactory: Grade 3
Equality of opportunity Contributory grade: Satisfactory: Grade 3
Sector subject area:
Health and social care Satisfactory: Grade 3
7EVEN Solutions Training Limited started trading in January 2008 and specialises in training for the care sector. It is collocated and works closely with its sister company, 7EVEN Solutions, which supplies agengy staff to the same sector. The company offers NVQ training to 7EVEN Solutions staff as well as to external clients. Most learning takes place in the learners’ workplace. The quality assurance coordinator, who is also an internal verifier for adult care, manages the NVQ centre. The company gained a Train to Gain contract in 2008 with West Midlands Learning and Skill Council. This provision represents some 14% of the firm’s training business. At the time of the inspection, nine learners were working towards an NVQ at level 2 in health and social care in the Midlands and nine were working towards an NVQ at level 3 in health and social care in Devon.
Ofsted found that the overall effectiveness of the provision is satisfactory. The provider’s capacity to improve is satisfactory also. The company was formed in 2008 and has no history of previous inspections. The staff’s reflective practice, although informal, has proven effective in rapidly reducing changes and improvements to the programmes in the short period that it had held the contract.
The company produced its first self-assessment report a few months before the inspection. The self-assessment grades were mostly accurate and in line with those given by inspectors. The report was insufficiently evaluative and the strengths and areas for improvement were implied rather than stated clearly. However, staff fully understand the areas for improvement needed and actions to tackle them are already in hand. Key strengths include, a very good development of existing, and acquisition of new skills, good off-the-job training and learning, effective and innovative response to local requirements and good management of subcontractors.
As acknowledged in the self-assessment report, achievements and standards are satisfactory. They apply the theory work for the NVQ to their practical work well. They acquire new skills, for example, improved understanding of how to communicate effectively with residents with dementia. Some learners on level 2 programmes make slow progress. On the nine learners still in learning, four have passed their planned end date. The provider has recognised this and has taken good initiatives to help them complete and to improve timely success rates in future.
Natalie Hailes