From education to employment

Toe to Toe is one in a million

‘Toe to Toe’ – the acclaimed manual used to teach children and adults alike to read – has been featured in the popular Channel 4 series ‘The Secret Millionaire’.

The ‘Toe to Toe’ formula, developed by Keda and Harry Cowling, featured in the show, which follows a millionaire as they go undercover in deprived areas to discover who needs and deserves their help.

Millionaire Piers Linney was undercover at a young offenders institute when he discovered the success of the Toe to Toe formula with young offenders previously unable to read.

Commenting on the programme and the impact of her formula, Keda Cowling said: “I’m humbled and delighted that the Toe to Toe system has had such a positive impact on the lives of these young men and the way they are choosing to live their lives, giving them a fresh start and more opportunities to contribute to the community and society as a whole.”

The Bradford-based author has even been nominated for a ‘Sue Ryder Yorkshire Woman of Achievement Award’ for her contribution to education.

Bradford College Dyslexia Tutor Anna Porter added: “Some Bradford College students have followed Keda’s programme with considerable success and lasting results. I am pleased she has been nominated for this award for her contribution to raising the profile of this hidden disability.”

The reading manual is based on 25 years of classroom experience, and has achieved measured success with both adults, children, and even with those diagnosed with dyslexia across the world.

Following the programme, Mr Linney said, “The experience was a stark reminder that your place of birth, education, health and the social and financial status of your parents can have a profound impact on your chances of achieving your dreams and your social mobility.

“The show also re-affirmed my belief that individuals that have faced adversity or made mistakes should never be written off by the system or society.”

Mark Astley

(Pictured: school teacher and author Keda Cowling)

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