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College Greenpower team ‘off the mark’ at East Fortune

Greenpower racing team standing in a gazebo

It turned out to be a successful day for the @BordersCollege Greenpower teams, who recently travelled to East Fortune race track to take part in the Greenpower Race event.

Having prepared meticulously for the event, the College’s Landbased Engineering team, led by lecturer Dave Black, and the STEM team, led by lecturer Mark Catto, were awarded for their efforts, taking first and second place spots, respectively.

Arriving at East Fortune at 7.15 am, the teams had the pick of the paddock. The garage was set up and team Borders College got to work setting up the cars, ensuring they were prepared and race ready.

Practice sessions followed and went smoothly for the Landbased Engineering car (Batmobile), requiring a battery installation and check over. The STEM car (Border Reiver) had other ideas, experiencing electrical problems in the practice stages.

This posed a problem for the team with just a short time to the green light. A well-coordinated steering and motor control complete rebuild in under an hour by the dedicated team ensured the car made it to the front of the grid for qualifying.

The race was hotly contested and required slick driver changes and pit stops. The efforts paid off, and the Landbased Engineering car secured first place, with the STEM car securing the number two spot in the F24+ Kit class – a fantastic achievement by both teams.

Mark Catto, lecturer in STEM, commented:

It was a huge effort by staff, students, and a big logistic exercise to be able to compete at the Greenpower East Fortune event. Thanks to a well-drilled team, we were able to overcome some technical issues and secure first and second place in the race. The teams represented the College with credit – well done to everyone involved.”

Dave Black, lecturer in Rural Skills, commented:

“What a fantastic day we had at East Fortune. Taking first and second place places was a testament to the hard work put in by staff and students. Thanks to everyone who contributed, and hopefully we can emulate that success at our next race meeting.”

After a successful day, the team packed up and headed home. They will now prepare for the next event, taking place at Croft Circuit, Yorkshire, at the end of June.

Talking about his day, student Robert Davidson said: 

“This is the best experience I have had in my three years at college, I really enjoyed my day!”

Jack Hume added:

“Can we do it again please, I really enjoyed taking part and winning.”

Rural Skills team

Robert Davidson (team leader), Jardine Thomson (mechanic/batteries), Don Thomson (mechanic), Levi Crosbie (pit board/mechanic), James Corcoran (driver), Harry Renton (driver), Jack Hume (driver), Cian Burns (driver), Dave Black (Lecturer), Lynsey Menmuir (Lecturer).

STEM team

Jake Richardson (driver/mechanic), Rory McCreath (driver/mechanic), Mark Catto (Lecturer), Donna Marsh (Lecturer).

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