Loughborough College therapy dog gets a four-legged apprentice

Loughborough College’s canine counsellor, Mylie the therapy dog, has taken an apprentice under her paw – Otis the cockerpoo.
Otis has already started training to become the College’s second therapy dog and will eventually work tail-to-tail with Mylie to support students on campus.
The College jumped at the chance to recruit another furry faculty member following the incredible success of Mylie who has helped hundreds of students since joining the College last summer.
Jo Maher, Principal & CEO at Loughborough College, said: “Mylie has been a massive success in her role supporting students. So, when a member of staff said they were getting a puppy and wondered if we could use another therapy dog, we didn’t hesitate.
“Mylie is an incredible ice-breaker, gets people talking, is a massively calming influence and has become something of a celebrity on campus among staff and students.
“With Otis on board, we aim to support even more people and continue to deliver the best possible experiences for learners at Loughborough College as part of our wellbeing offer.”
Mylie and Otis have started spending time together and are already becoming firm, four-legged friends.
Sarah Larnder, the College’s Head of Higher Education, is Otis’ owner. She said: “Seeing what a positive impact Mylie has had on the lives of the students and staff at the college, both in terms of the emotional support she offers but also just brightening up people’s days has been remarkable.
“Having a second dog would provide additional opportunities for students to benefit from the support, ensuring that there is coverage, all being well, every day of the week. Plus Mylie, will have a canine pal to play with at break time!”
So far, Mylie has helped students by creating conversations between members of our wellbeing team and students who would otherwise struggle to talk about their challenges. She’s also the perfect tonic for anxious students and a master of creating calm.
