Department for Education – Procurement at DfE

Bidding for Department for Education (DfE) contracts.
Latest contracting opportunities
We, and our executive agencies, advertise new contracting opportunities in the following places, where appropriate:
- The UK e-notification service, Find a Tender (FTS)
- DfE’s research page
- Contracts Finder
- specialist publications, and trade, national and local press
- Jaggaer
Forthcoming opportunities
We use a variety of means to notify suppliers of future opportunities, including:
- advertising prior information notices (PIN) on the FTS website
- publishing notices on Contracts Finder
- publishing opportunities to tender on Jaggaer
DUNS numbers
‘DUNS numbers’ provide us with valuable information about which suppliers are bidding for our contracts. We encourage interested suppliers to register with DUNS numbers.
Prompt payment policy
We follow government policy and pay all correctly submitted invoices within 10 days of receiving them at the physical or electronic address that we’ve specified.
Jaggaer: the DfE etendering portal
Jaggaer is an etendering system used by DfE and its executive agencies. It is a password-protected online service.
As a potential supplier you should register with Jaggaer so that you can:
- view opportunities to tender
- submit tender responses
For help with registration please use the support links on the Jaggaer portal.
Educational and Children’s Social Care Professionals Dynamic Purchasing System (ECSCDPS)
The Education and Children’s Social Care Dynamic Purchasing System (ECSCDPS) has moved to the Jaggaer commercial platform.
We use the ECSCDPS to buy professional, educational and children’s social care services to support government policy in schools and local authorities.
If you would like to apply to join the ECSCDPS, you can do so by logging in or registering on the Jaggaer portal.
As a potential supplier you should register with Jaggaer and apply to join the ECSCDPS so that you can:
- apply to become a member of the ECSCDPS
- view ECSCDPS opportunities to tender
- submit ECSCDPS tender responses
Prior to 22 December 2020, the DfE used Redimo2 to host the ECSCDPS. All ECSCDPS members who gained approval prior to the 22 December 2020 will be migrated to Jaggaer with their membership status retained.
Further information on how this will be managed and any action required has been issued directly to existing members.
For any queries, please email the commercial contact point team.
Commercial contact point team
Email [email protected]
Terms and conditions for using the ECSCDPS
If you wish to join the ECSCDPS and be eligible for contracts, you must:
- register your interest on Jaggaer
- have knowledge of, and experience in, early years, schools or children’s services
- be able to show that you have one or more of the ECSC skill sets, which we describe in the ECSC handbook
- read and accept the membership of ECSC framework terms and conditions
- read and accept the supply of services by ECSC professionals terms and conditions
- confirm none of the criteria for mandatory exclusion apply
- confirm you are compliant with IR35 tax legislation
Go to the ECSC Contracts Finder notice where you will find the following documents with additional information:
- invitation to participate
- applying for ECSC membership
- ECSC handbook (including daily rates and skill set descriptions)
- terms and conditions for call-off
- DPS agreement
- mandatory exclusion criteria
Data handling and security
If you handle data, you must make sure that you comply with our departmental security procedures. Read our Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Duty) Guidance for Suppliers to DfE (PDF, 123KB, 2 pages) for more information.
Standard terms and conditions for DfE contracts
If you would like to know which terms and conditions apply when bidding for a particular DfE contract, contact the person named in the advertisement and tender documentation.
Due to the complexity of many of our requirements, we compile contract terms and conditions on a case-by-case basis. However, we base most on the following standard terms and conditions:
- how we use your personal information (PDF, 128KB, 2 pages)
Purchase orders
Our purchase orders (documents that ask a company to supply goods and give details of price, method and date of payment) are subject to our terms and conditions for goods (PDF, 148KB, 8 pages).
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
To recognise the importance of SMEs to the UK economy, the government has set a target to award 33% of the money it spends on third-party suppliers to SMEs by the end of 2022.
How we support SMEs
We help to reach this target by putting SMEs at the centre of our procurement policies. We encourage SMEs to work with us directly or as part of the supply chain by:
- having a tender process that treats SMEs fairly and by trying to keep our tender documents simple
- supporting commercial relationships between the department and SMEs and SMEs and larger organisations
- monitoring our SME spend against government and our own targets and reporting to Cabinet Office for publication
What we buy from SMEs
The types of goods and services we often buy from SMEs include:
- school construction
- professional and consultancy services
- books and learning materials
- legal services
- office supplies
- photocopying and printing services
- catering services
- cleaning and facilities management services
- furniture
- accountancy and audit
- transport services
Opportunities for SMEs
We advertise new opportunities on contracts finder.
We also run innovation days where suppliers can meet each other and showcase what they offer. We advertise these on LinkedIn and Twitter.
As part of our SME action plan commitment to breaking down barriers SMEs face in achieving DFE’s, and wider government contracts, we have produced guidance:
- to help SMEs write more effective bids when responding to tenders
- on how to bid for government contracts as a consortium
More information
Also read our:
- guidance for SMEs on doing business with government
- departmental action plan about working with SMEs
- prompt pay policy
Find out if you qualify as an SME by reading the definition on the European Commission website.
Contact SMEs[email protected] with any questions about how we work with SMEs.
DfE SME case study
Read about our Get help with technology programme with Computacenter (UK) Ltd and Abzorb Group.
Crown representative for SMEs
Read about the Small Business Crown Representative, Martin Traynor.
UK procurement law
We must follow UK laws that govern how we may buy goods, services and works over a specified value or ‘threshold’.
Where we expect the estimated value of a contract to be over the relevant threshold, we must advertise our requirements on FTS.
The procurement thresholds are published by the Cabinet Office.
How we process your personal data
Our personal information charter contains the standards you can expect from DfE when we ask for, and hold, your personal information.
Equality and diversity in procurement
There is an expectation that all suppliers to DfE endorse and demonstrate a commitment to the DfE’s equality objectives as set out in the single department plan, which promotes equality and diversity.
Public sector Equality Duty guidance for suppliers
DfE is subject to the public sector Equality Duty. The Equality Duty is relevant where services are contracted to be either:
- delivered on DfE premises
- carrying out a public function
- employee or public/school facing
Where organisations are delivering services under any of those categories they will be under the same Equality Duty as the department. The Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Duty) Guidance for Suppliers to DfE (PDF, 123KB, 2 pages) explains what might be required under the Equality Duty.