Fitch Learning Research Report Shares Top Tips for Embedding DEI in Apprenticeships

A new research report published by Fitch Learning, How To Get True Diversity on Your Apprenticeship Program, provides key tips for firms setting up apprenticeship programs and advice on how to knock down the barriers to inclusion that exist in the financial services sector.
Advancing workplace diversity is more important today than ever before. Consumers are taking their business to companies with a proven commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), whilst a growing number of laws and requirements are being enacted to support greater diversity in the workplace.
The report presents the key findings from Fitch Learning’s recent DEI in Apprenticeships roundtable event, which was presented by a panel of carefully selected specialists.
Headline findings include:
- Increasing diversity in an apprenticeship program usually requires adapting the approach – not just in the programs you run but also in the way you engage potential candidates in the first instance.
- Everything around your program needs to be authentic if you want to attract a diverse range of apprentices – it’s no good just sugar coating your marketing materials.
- Only by challenging your own assumptions can you begin to knock down barriers – which can be done through events (such as this Fitch Learning roundtable) and by doing more to learn about the perspectives of marginalized people.
- It is key to put yourself in the shoes of the candidates you want to attract – this will enable you to break down your own biases and be more creative about ways to support every candidate.
- Sharing stories can help you create the real sense of belonging that candidates need to be able to thrive.
- It is far more helpful to focus on individual needs rather than a collective identity or community – doing more to learn about ‘intersectionality’ for example, will help.
Sarah Butt, Partnerships Director, Fitch Learning, commented: “Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a hot topic in financial services. However, it is a nuanced area and achieving genuine diversity in a workforce goes much deeper than simply setting targets. Our report shows that apprenticeships have a significant role to play in creating a more diverse workforce and the financial services sector as a whole, and we hope it provides plenty of food for thought and inspiration for both L&D practitioners and Executive Sponsors setting up focused programs to increase gender diversity.”