Manage Your Money and Boost Your Maths Skills with a Free Course from Futures

Is failing to achieve a maths qualification in school impacting your money management ability?
However you feel about maths, you’re not alone.
We all use numbers to navigate day-to-day life – from understanding interest rates to working out value for money while shopping. Yet nearly half of the UK’s working population has the expected numeracy levels of a primary school child.
A study of more than 3,000 adults found that 40% avoided the topic and 7 in 10 felt there was little they could do at their stage in life.
To mark National Numeracy Day on Wednesday 18th May, Futures are here to share how you can improve your numeracy skills at any stage of life and at no cost.
National Numeracy have launched a 10-minute challenge to help you identify what level of numeracy you are currently working at:
Sam Sims, Chief Executive of National Numeracy, said: “As this new research shows, low numeracy can prevent us from being in control of our money and seeking help when we need to.”
But everyone can improve their confidence with numbers – Futures have helped thousands of people do just that with our fully-funded Maths Functional Skills courses.
“Tim from Futures helped me understand things that previously seemed complicated, by explaining it in a simple and practical way.” – Dimuthu W, Maths Functional Skills ‘22 graduate.
“I really found the online sessions have helped so much and hope it continues for other learners.” – Jeanette B, Maths Functional Skills ‘22 graduate.
“I have never liked formal maths but I’ve really enjoyed this and unbelievably looked forward to the sessions with you! I’ve now been offered employment starting from today!” – Jackie W, Maths Functional Skills ‘22 graduate.
Maths Functional skills courses are designed to support you in improving the maths skills you require in real-life application.
Futures deliver up to level 2 qualifications and will deliver the right level of maths to suit your needs.
Key benefits of a Maths Functional Skills qualification:
- Level 2 is a recognised equivalent to grade 9-4 (A-C) GCSE.
- You can complete your training entirely online via virtual sessions
- Opens the door to many further education opportunities with entry requirements
- Unlike GCSE maths, Functional Skills maths focuses on real-life application
Feeling confident with maths can help us make sense of our money and with the cost-of-living crisis, this is more important than ever.
Join Tim, our numbers man, for the next virtual Functional Skills Maths course starting 6th June.
Visit our website to secure a place on the next available start date: