Research: An analysis VTQ grades awarded in spring and summer 2020

Report into the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on awarding of vocational and technical qualifications in 2020.
An analysis of grades awarded for a number of VTQs in spring and summer 2020
Ref: Ofqual/20/6703PDF, 6.71MB, 66 pages
More up-to-date information is available in the 2021 VTQ equalities report.
The awarding of vocational and technical qualifications does not seem to have been majorly impacted in 2020 by the situation imposed by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Evidence in general does not point towards a sudden slip of standards or a sudden introduction of bias this year. However, there may have been some change in entry behaviour, and differences in attainment do seem to have increased between certain demographic characteristics in the context of certain qualifications.
Published 13 August 2020
Last updated 10 August 2021 + show all updates
Updated to point at the more up-to-date data in the 2021 report.
First published.