Skills and Post-16 Education Bill: impact assessment and JCHR memorandum

Information on the measures set out in the Skills and Post-16 Education Bill.
The Skills and Post-16 Education Bill impact assessment
PDF, 1.3MB, 186 pages
Skills and Post-16 Education Bill: European Convention on Human Rights memorandum
PDF, 261KB, 14 pages
The Skills and Post-16 Education Bill policy summary notes
PDF, 349KB, 35 pages
The impact assessment outlines the expected costs and benefits of the reforms set out in the Skills and Post-16 Education Bill. Estimates of the economic return from further education qualifications started in academic year 2018 to 2019 are also available.
The Bill provides the legislative basis for the reforms set out in the Skills for Jobs: lifelong for opportunity and growth white paper published in January 2021. More information about the bill is also available in this press release.
The policy summary outlines further information about each measure within the Bill.
Published 18 May 2021
Last updated 24 May 2021 + show all updates
Added ‘Policy summary notes’.
First published.