From education to employment

Staff development top of the agenda for Fleming Homes

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As a result of a successful Flexible Workforce Development Funding application (FWDF), Borders-based construction company Fleming Homes have recently begun to undertake training to continue in the upskilling of their staff, delivered by @BordersCollege Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation (DEBI).

The company that specialises in the design and manufacturing of house kits has initially trained staff in areas including, Working from Heights, Manual Handling, Dust, Noise and Compressed Air Training, and Bespoke Customer Service, all designed to ensure safe working practices while on site.

To aid in this delivery, the DEBI at Borders worked in partnership with ECO Safety for the purpose of delivering courses to meet Fleming Homes’ needs.

A spokesperson from Fleming Homes commented:

FWDF-funded training has provided the opportunity for Fleming Homes to upskill our team in areas designed to deliver competitive advantage, like bespoke customer service training.

“It has also enabled us to upskill more of our team via professional IOSH and NEBOSH Health and Safety courses. We are hugely grateful for the support we have received from the DEBI team in making these high-quality training opportunities possible locally.”

Staff members from Fleming Homes who took part in the training had the following to say:

“The Working from Heights course is a great introduction for anyone who is new to construction and is looking to upskill themselves in the correct working from height procedures, Eco Safety did a great job of making the course interesting, interactive and relevant to the current legislations around this topic.”

“The NEBOSH Management of Construction course is an incredibly thorough course for anyone looking to take on a management role within the construction sector. The course will certainly allow me to progress significantly within my role at Fleming Homes and offer our customers a more robust, complete and overall safety-conscious Site Preparation Phase of their build.”

A spokesperson from Eco Safety commented:

“We are always delighted to work in partnership with Borders College to deliver training to meet industry needs. Staff development is critical to the success of any business here in the Borders. Working in partnership with the College and local Employers has given us the opportunity to deliver quality, practical training to key staff to provide them with the relevant skills they need for the future. It has been a pleasure being part of this process.”

Susan Rennie, Accounts Manager at Borders Colleg, said:

“The Flexible Workforce Development Fund (FWDF) offers a great opportunity for employers to access training to address skills needs in our region by providing key funding to assist in the development of staff whether it is for upskilling, reskilling or retraining. We are delighted to have been able to assist Fleming Homes this year and look forward to working with them again in the future.”

Fleming Homes will continue to work in conjunction with the DEBI, and a further three courses are due for delivery including, NEBOSH, Customer Service, and IOSH Training.

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