Youth Voice Census 2022: Assembly Pack

Use this assembly pack (with optional slide presentation) to introduce the Youth Voice Census to students and outline its value to young people in the UK. Can be used in conjunction with lesson plan.
Youth Voice Census Assembly Pack
Area of focus: Introducing students to the national Youth Voice Census and outlining its purpose and value to young people
Time needed: 5-10 minutes
Year: KS3+ / Group Year 7+
Resources Required: Ability to present Powerpoint slideshow and Youtube video (optional)
Presentation tools: PowerPoint, Youtube
Download Rich Media Assembly Pack
Ideal for teachers who CAN showcase presentations and videos in assembly:
Download Standard Assembly
Ideal for teachers who CANNOT showcase presentations and videos in assembly:
Prior To Assembly:
Prior to the assembly, please download and print out your choice of accompanying school posters featuring both Youth Voice Census links and QR codes that your students can use to access the Census (if they are permitted mobile phones).
These notes below offer talking points to supplement slides in the Youth Voice Census Rich Media Assembly Presentation (Powerpoint) which can be played during the assembly.
You can supplement the assembly with our additional lesson plan.
Step By Step Guide
Use these conversation notes for each slide if showing the rich media presentation… or read from the standard assembly notes if you are not.
Slide 1
Have you heard about the Youth Voice Census?
The Youth Voice Census is an annual survey carried out by Youth Employment UK.
It covers the whole of the UK and last year 3,400 young people aged between 16-24 took part in the survey.
This year it is open to 11-30 year olds and the target is for 5,000 young people to have their say.
Slide 2
Why does the Youth Voice Census matter to all UK students?
The Youth Voice Census will ask a range of questions about you and your experiences in education, training, work and in everyday life.
Your answers could make a big difference to how the UK government, employers and educators support young people. It’s a great way to add your voice and make sure your opinion gets heard by people who make the rules.
Youth Employment UK will use the information to create public reports on how young people in general view study and employment today, but don’t worry – your personal information will not be shared!
By adding your voice you can help to create the most accurate picture possible of exactly what young people are feeling right now.
This picture is shared with:
- Government departments – to help shape real changes in our country.
- Employers up and down the UK – to help them understand what you need and expect in terms of getting great support when it’s time to think about jobs and careers
- Organisations who want to help – after all, without your voice, they don’t know what you really care about in life.
Slide 3
Students around the country are completing the Youth Voice Census as we speak.
Watch the video to find out more and see what young people are saying about the Youth Voice Census.
Video link:
Duration: 1 minute 17 seconds
Slide 4
It’s easy to take part in the Youth Voice Census.
It takes around 15-45 minutes to complete. The more you say, the more your opinions can change the level of support students can get with their careers in school and beyond.
You can stop and start whenever you like. You don’t have to complete it all in one go – unless you want to!
You can complete it online, wherever you are.
Optional: If you have scheduled the Youth Voice Census lesson plan into your careers education activities, you can mention that students can also work to complete the Youth Voice Census during lesson time.
At the end of the survey, you can choose to enter a prize draw. Will you like the prize? It depends if you like Nando’s…
Slide 5
If you’re interested in taking part, remember your voice matters. The Youth Voice Census needs YOU.
You’ll find it on the first page of search results if you search online for “Youth Voice Census”. You can also keep your eye out for school posters which feature both the Census link and a QR code to get started.
If you’re keen to make a difference, not just for yourself but for other students and young people in the UK, this is your chance to add your voice and get yourself heard.
You have until 31st May to take part!
Teacher Notes
Suggested Next Steps
- Download all Youth Voice Census teaching resources including school posters, social media pack and more.
- Invite students to register as Young Professionals so that they can benefit from additional support including skills building, career guides, local opportunities and free online courses.
- Explore the benefits of your school or college becoming a Young Professional Provider if it has not already done so.
- Arrange a visit to/from a local employer that showcases a particular sector.
Additional Resources
Find an inspiring speaker to come and talk to your students.
Work with your enterprise adviser to develop your business links in schools.
Final Notes
You are welcome to share this lesson plan and Youth Employment UK teaching resources with other colleagues.
Take photos of the students completing this activity and share them on social media with us using the hashtags #Careers and #YouthVoiceCensus.
Twitter: @YEUK2012
Facebook: YouthEmploymentUK
Instagram: youthemploymentuk