Access Training Chair awarded British Empire Medal

Access Training Chair Will Nixon has been awarded ‘Medal of the Order of the British Empire’ (BEM) for services to Young People in the West Midlands in this year’s King’s New Year Honours list.
Will is among 377 people who have been recognised with a British Empire Medal for their exceptional achievements, with a focus on those who have given with generosity to others in need. Will has dedicated countless years supporting young people by providing apprenticeships, training and support for thousands of young people.
Corrina Hembury, Managing Director at Access Training commented;
‘This is wonderful news and well-deserved. He is an inspiration for us all and we are proud to have him Chair our Board and share his passion and knowledge of the training sector.”
Access Training is a training and apprenticeships provider, co-owned by NCHA and Futures Housing Group, two midlands based housing associations. They provide high-quality training, apprenticeships and recruitment support to businesses and individuals throughout the Midlands.