AELP responds to the latest increase in unemployment

@AELPUK responds to today’s ONS data showing that since the pandemic began, unemployment has risen to 2.8m and youth unemployment has doubled to half a million
Mark Dawe, Chief Executive of the Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) said:
“The government needs to roll out its response urgently. The majority of need can be met through existing employment and skills programmes but it requires the right level of funding and the funding getting to the most appropriate providers around the country.
AELP has called for a £8.6bn skills package split between young people and adults including a wage subsidy to encourage employers to make more apprenticeship opportunities available for young people aged 16 to 24, especially at levels 2 and 3. A beefed-up traineeship programme would also make a big difference.
The alternative to this would still be a significant cost to the Treasury and the economy with mass youth unemployment and the social cost of what could rapidly become the Covid lost generation.
Critical in the government’s response is a cross-departmental approach to ensure an into-work and onto-skills solution to reduce unemployment. At the same time, ministers should work closely with the devolved nations and metro mayors to maximise its effectiveness.”