AELP statement on Learndirect’s Ofsted report

Commenting on today’s publication by Ofsted of its inspection report on Learndirect, AELP CEO Mark Dawe said:
‘AELP understands why the government chose to extend the contract rundown period due to the huge number of learners involved. Nevertheless this is only in the learners’ interest if they are receiving good provision and training programme outcomes; otherwise they should be transferred to the large number of high quality training providers who have indicated that they are prepared to take them on. As far as Learndirect’s future delivery is concerned, we hope that both the company and the ESFA will ensure that all funding reaches frontline provision for the learners.
‘We note the government’s statement that no special treatment has been afforded to Learndirect. However we would expect a statement from the ESFA on what the wind-down involves exactly and why it hasn’t been applied to other providers previously found in this position. Any change in practice should be applicable to all providers in future whatever their size but the interests of the learners must come first.’