Barton Peveril’s Record Number of Oxbridge Offers

A record number of Barton Peveril Sixth Form College students are celebrating offers to study at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. 22 students have received offers to study at the highly selective Universities, bringing the total number of successful applicants to 84 offers in five years.
The students have been offered places to study a wide range of subjects, from Medicine to Classical Archaeology, at the Universities’ most prestigious and exclusive colleges.
Barton Peveril Principal Jonathan Prest spoke highly of this year’s offer recipients:
“Above all I am delighted for the individuals concerned who have been working so hard to win a place, and for their teachers who have prepared them.
“22 students receiving offers from Oxford and Cambridge is the highest number we have ever had. So why the growing success? Our Careers Manager (Higher Education) Shoonagh Hubble has set up the wonderful Aspire Programme to broaden students in an academic way and established a group of former Oxbridge educated volunteers who have mentored our students for the best part of a year. I am also grateful to Winchester College dons who have also given up their time to offer practice interviews, set in the cloisters of the historic public school, helping our students to cope with unfamiliar surroundings and people.”
Among the offer holders are seven former Bitterne Park School students. The University of Cambridge offered places to James Goodman, Mattis Prince, and Max Slavik to study Natural Sciences at Churchill College, Engineering at Trinity College, and Engineering at Pembroke College, respectively. The University of Oxford offered both Luke Kennedy and Archie Smedley a place to study Physics, Kennedy at Christ Church College and Smedley at Mansfield College. George Blake and Tak Rayhan were also offered places by the University of Oxford; a place studying Chemistry at Keble College for Blake and Medicine at Hertford College for Rayhan.
Max Slavik commented on receiving his offer:
“The College really supported the preparation for my interview in every way possible. Thanks to the Careers Team, the Maths Department and my personal Oxbridge mentor, I felt relaxed during my interview as I knew I was ready.”