Black Lives Matter – a message from the Co-Chairs of Bristol Uni’s Anti-Racism Steering Group on the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder

On the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, we would like to reaffirm the ongoing determination of the University of Bristol, as an institution and community, to tackle racial discrimination.
We are committed to making sure that our University is inclusive and that everyone feels they belong. We want the experience of studying and working here to be positive and welcoming for everyone.
We know that this anniversary will affect people in many different ways. We would encourage you to reach out and talk to a friend or loved one about the issues and feelings this evokes.
Our wellbeing and support services are available to students and staff.
This includes Black Men and Black Women Talk, a space for students who identify as Black, African, Caribbean or Mixed Heritage to discuss their life experiences with sessions focussing on exploring and sharing various wellbeing techniques.
In addition, our partnership with Nilaari, a community-based counselling service in Bristol, offers culturally appropriate counselling to our Black, Asian and minority ethnic students and staff.
As a University we know there is a long road ahead of us but our determination to drive out racism and become a more inclusive place is at the very heart of our mission. We are committed to working together with staff, students and our local communities to achieve this.
Dr Jane Khawaja and Professor Judith Squires – Co-Chairs of the Anti-Racism Steering Group