BSBI joins United Nations global initiative for responsible education

Berlin School of Business and Innovation – @BerlinSBI recently became an official signatory of the ‘United Nations – Principles for Responsible Management Education’ (UN-PRME) global initiative.
Launched in 2007, the UN-PRME is a platform designed to raise the profile of sustainability in schools around the world, to equip business students with the understanding and ability to deliver economic, social and environmental value.
With over 650 signatories worldwide, UN-PRME has become the most robust and innovative, initiative between the United Nations and management-related higher education institutions. The aim is to foster learning and best practices and, ultimately, to create sustainable value for business, the natural environment and society at large.
By joining UN-PRME, BSBI commits to embracing the six founding principles for responsible management education — purpose, values, method, research, partnership and dialogue.
UN-PRME’s vision is to realise the Sustainable Development Goals through responsible management education. Business schools play a key role in shaping the mindsets and skills of future leaders and BSBI will now have the opportunity to support this mission.
Professor Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at BSBI, said: “Our aim is to add more content and activities in our teaching around the issues central to this initiative. This will include introducing a new, more critical approach, to teaching and learning that focus on responsible management practices, as well as integrating these topics in our curriculum.”
Being part of the vast UN-PRME network will help BSBI contribute to transforming business and management education and developing responsible leaders for the future. The school will gain access to broader networks and guest speakers, who will share their professional experiences and students will now get the chance to broaden their contacts and advance their careers.