Cardiff and Vale College achieves Leaders in Diversity re-accreditation

Cardiff and Vale College (@CAVC) has been re-accredited with the Leaders in Diversity Award.
The award places CAVC as one of the top institutions in the UK for encouraging an all-encompassing culture of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). It is the highest and most prestigious award offered by the National Centre for Diversity.
Excellent feedback on the work of the College, its staff and its learners was provided by the assessor.
Leaders in Diversity status reflects an effective, all-encompassing approach to managing EDI across the College. It also sends a positive message to staff, students, business and our community of what the College stands for and its commitment improvement.
The process to gain reaccreditation involved the National Centre for Diversity analysing findings from the surveys of all leaders and managers and hundreds of staff and learners, alongside detailed work with a College steering group which will work to drive forward further improves.
Leaders in Diversity’s assessor said: “At re-assessment in 2021, Cardiff and Vale College has risen to the challenges presented by the Covid Pandemic, moving provision on-line as needed, continuing to provide learning and wellbeing support, adapting with agility and speed to respond to both learners and staff.
“With provision ranging from students learning English as a Second Language, through to apprenticeship, business partnerships, vocational training and Higher Education provision, the scope of the College’s reach is considerable, and its pivotal place in its local community as change makers is evident from the discussions held. It has been inspiring speaking with the team at Cardiff and Vale College.”
CAVC first gained Leaders in Diversity status in 2017. In the 2019-20 academic year, the College moved from 15th to 12th in the Centre’s Top 100 Index of companies that set the bar high for fairness. It also won the Centre’s award for commitment to fairness, respect, equality, diversity, inclusion and engagement (FREDIE).
Cardiff and Vale College Deputy Principal Sharon James said: “At Cardiff and Vale College we see ourselves as being at the heart of the communities we serve and they are some of the most vibrant and diverse communities in Wales, so we are thrilled to gain re-accreditation for Leaders in Diversity.
“This is a testament to the people right across the College who work so hard to ensure that CAVC takes an ell-encompassing approach to managing equality, diversion and inclusion across all we do and I’d like to thank them all for that.”