Commendable classes: Waltham Forest College praised for their career’s program

Proving once again the dedication to their learners, Waltham Forest College (@WFCTweets) has been highly commended for their outstanding achievement of the Gatsby Benchmarks, with the award panel going so far as to single out Careers Leader, Ali Yusuf, for the pivotal role he played.
In the awards category of ‘Whole School/College Careers Programme’, awarded by London Enterprise Adviser Network, part of the Mayor of London GLA project, Waltham Forest College achieved this brilliant accomplishment by involving staff from across the college in the provision of career activities. Working side-by-side, the team have helped to ensure the future of their learners across multiple platforms and seen to it that they have all the guidance and advice necessary when entering the world of work.
“We are extremely excited to be recognised for achieving a key milestone of the Gatsby benchmark and also collaborating with schools and Colleges for the benefit of our learners.” Explains Ali Yusuf, Learner Services Manager. “We are grateful for the support we received from London Enterprise Adviser Network who has been instrumental in bringing together employers and career leaders across London.”
Offering a wide range of courses to suit your interests, as well as being a diverse and inclusive campus that welcomes you regardless, the college is a fantastic place to learn and grow.
And there are a whole host of benefits to consider when you choose Waltham Forest College as the next step in your education.
With access to high quality, impartial careers information, advice, and guidance from appropriately qualified staff to help clarify their aspirations for work, students are able to understand the options open to them and to take control of and make informed decisions in terms of job and career change, training, and promotion.
Getting your foot in the door can be tricky in this day and age, but with Waltham Forest College, young people will receive support to find suitable placements or work experience to help develop the skills they need to gain employment upon finishing their studies, offering a helping hand from the very beginning.
And that’s not all; with the chance to speak with Careers Advisors to support applicants throughout the admissions process from the moment they contact the College, team members who provide high quality, impartial careers information, advice, and guidance, you’ll feel like part of the family from the start.
If Waltham Forest College is the next step in your education, why not take part in their Careers and Applications Virtual Open event? Taking place on Wednesday 19th May, this event is for you to have all of your questions answered by the people you’ll soon be working alongside, helping you to make an informed decision ready for the September term.