Engineering firm spotlighted as one of Midland’s best to work for

A leading Birmingham-headquartered engineering firm has been ranked as one of the region’s best businesses to work for.
And it also ranked within the top ten in the construction and engineering sector.
Multi-disciplinary firm adi Group retained its impressive one star rating in The Sunday Times Best Companies to Work for survey list 2021, following a year in which the business and its 600+ staff worked hard to meet the needs of a pandemic-hit manufacturing sector.
It occupied a top 100 rating in the Midlands, also coming within the top ten businesses nationally in its field, sitting alongside the likes of housing and social care provider MEARS and global design and management consultancy Arcadis.
And to boot, the firm managed to raise £6,600 for Heart Research UK thanks to its high levels of staff participation in the Best Companies survey.
“We’re absolutely thrilled to have once again been recognised as a top performer in the Best Companies survey,” said adi Group CEO and founder, Alan Lusty.
“At adi, we strive to deliver a continuous improvement culture, whether that’s through developing the engineers of tomorrow with our hugely successful apprenticeship programmes, or our responsible business initiatives, which challenge us to consider the environmental impact of all our actions Group-wide.
“It’s been an extremely tough time for all in our industry, but we can now look forward with optimism to continuing to invest both internally and as a vital supporting network within the manufacturing sector.”
Each year, Best Companies celebrates businesses on outstanding achievements, examining their approach to employee wellbeing, leadership, personal growth, community engagement and teamwork, using a staff survey to gain insights and feedback.
The adi Group, which operates nationally with 12+ regional sites and over 200,000 sq.ft. of manufacturing capacity, scored highly in motivating areas such as management, leadership and personal growth, with 75% of staff agreeing that the business delivers a clear and precise organisational structure, alongside valued career opportunities.
Owing strongly to this is the firm’s commitment to helping end the STEM careers gap, with both a Pre-apprenticeship programme and an Apprenticeship Academy mentoring young people in a variety of engineering skillsets.
The firm also has a strong sustainable ethos, with the Best Companies survey acknowledging adi’s status as the first business in the UK to offset its fleet’s carbon emissions through the use of the BP Plus fuel card.
The partnership with BP Target Neutral means that each time a company vehicle fills up, the emissions associated with that purchase are calculated and offset, giving adi an overall carbon reduction rate of 83.9%.
“Our scores this year are testament to the hard work of all Group-wide,” added Alan.
“To be recognised from both a sustainability and organisational point of view, couldn’t come at more poignant time, especially as all in our industry work hard to deliver more sustainable working practices.
“I’d like to thank the managing directors across all divisions of adi Group, as without them, this wouldn’t be possible and we wouldn’t be able to fulfil our role as a one-stop-shop engineering firm.”
Commitment to #apprentices wins adi Group coveted place in the ‘100 Best Companies to Work For’
28 Jan 2021: Multi-disciplinary engineering firm adi Group has been recognised for its high levels of employee engagement after being awarded a coveted place in the ‘100 Best Companies to Work For’ UK rankings. adi Group was given an impressive 1 star rating, indicating ‘very good’ levels of workplace engagement, with particular reference to its strong work in the area of apprenticeships.
The praise demonstrates continued success for the business after receiving the accreditation for the third year running.
The award, which formulates The Sunday Times Best Companies to Work For list, looks closely at a company’s approach to employee wellbeing, leadership and personal growth by asking current employees for specific feedback in a B-Heard survey.
It comes at a time of significant evolution for the adi Group, as it looks to grow its workforce to over 1000 employees over the next three to four years.
“We’re delighted to hear that our strong commitment to building and retaining a resilient workforce has once again been recognised on a national scale,” said adi Group CEO Alan Lusty.
“Ensuring staff feel fulfilled in their roles has been key to our development, not just at a practical skills level, but also from a cultural perspective, with initiatives like our open office allowing us to easily share and discuss ideas for the benefit of our clients.
“With ambitious plans in the pipeline in terms of recruitment, this award serves as a further recognition as to the benefits of developing a fulfilling career with the adi Group.”
As well as incorporating strong values and principles of leadership, the adi Group was also recognised for its efforts in creating a rich and diverse workforce in the latest Best Companies survey.
This is no more evident than in its commitment to its apprentices, who represent seven per cent of all employees, and benefit from regular site visits at some of the world’s biggest brands, as they develop their skills and pursue their ambitions.
The business also hosts an annual awards ceremony to celebrate employees’ achievements across the organisation, including Employee of the Year, Apprentice of the Year, Customer Excellence and Fundraiser/Volunteer of the Year.
“I would like to congratulate adi on its achievement,” said CEO and founder of Best Companies, Jonathan Austin.
“Best Companies has been producing the accreditation standard since 2006 to acknowledge excellence in the workplace. Organisations like adi have continued to focus on their employees and have been rewarded with an engaged workforce who tell us that this is a best company to work for.”
The adi Group is a multi-disciplinary engineering firm operating across 30 specialised industry sectors.
Its scale and size, with over 600 employees currently to its name, sees it deliver more than 3000 projects per year, working with huge brands like Coca Cola and Jaguar Land Rover.