Comprehensive online training programme for college governors
A comprehensive online training programme for college governors and governance professionals has been launched by the Education and Training Foundation (@E_T_Foundation).
Developed on the ETF’s behalf by the Association of Colleges and funded by the Department for Education, the Governance Development Programme consists of 32 modules pitched at individuals with varying levels of experience and knowledge. It offers a structured yet flexible approach to learning and development and includes online courses, podcasts, self-directed study resources, face-to-face workshops and coaching modules.
The programme aims to:
- Ensure board members are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to fulfil their responsibilities.
- Provide a comprehensive and structured approach to board member induction and ongoing development.
- Ensure clerks/governance professionals are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide high quality support for governance to their organisation.
- Develop the necessary skills and behaviours so that boards operate effectively, and board members can provide support and challenge to senior leaders and the wider organisation.
- Support board members to draw on their previous experience to add value to the wider board.
- Provide a diagnostic assessment, utilising a skills audit, for board members to build relevant learning plans.
The 32 modules cover six topics: Being an effective board member; Strategy and educational character; Curriculum; Quality and standards; Finance, risk and audit; and Board leadership and organisational development. Each is designed to be standalone, so users can access any or all modules as they need them. A diagnostic tool can help each user identify modules of interest.
The cost of the programme is £200 per college per year. This gives full access to the modules for all of the college’s governors and governance professionals for 12 months. There is no official assessment or qualification with the programme, but certificates can be issued for each completed module.
Fiona Chalk, ETF’s National Head of Governance Development said:
“Effective governance underpins the success of organisations in the Further Education and Training sector. The Governance Development Programme will develop the skills, knowledge, and behaviours required by governors and governance professionals to operate effectively, providing support and challenge to their organisations. Ultimately, this will not only play a major part in individuals’ personal development, but also strengthen governance and build organisational resilience across the sector.”
In addition to the Governance Development Programme online modules, the ETF is staging some standalone live webinars for governors and governance professionals. Places on the webinars are available irrespective of whether an individual is signed up to the online modules or not. They cost £25 each to attend.