Cranfield MBA ranked number one in the UK for increase in salary

Cranfield School of Management’s MBA has been named as number one in the UK for percentage increase in post-MBA salary in the Which MBA? Full-time MBA ranking 2019, published by The Economist.
This year’s ranking represents an increase in Cranfield’s position by 15 places.
Cranfield’s full-time one-year MBA programme was also ranked second in the UK for Potential to Network and fifth in the UK for overall performance.
In total, 100 business schools from across the world were ranked.
Professor David Oglethorpe, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Cranfield School of Management, said:
“We’re delighted to see our full-time MBA named as first in the UK for percentage increase in salary. The ranking demonstrates the value of a Cranfield MBA to business and reflects how the course provides an acceleration in the career paths of our graduates. The hard work of our faculty and students is also shown in our improved rankings for networking potential and overall performance.”