Department of Education and Talent Foundry Staff set off on Coast2Coast Bike Ride aiming to raise £50k for disadvantaged young people

Coast2Coast challenge is cycling from Carlisle to Newcastle in 3 days
The team setting off from Carlisle
Yesterday, 15th September, a group made up of staff from the Department of Education and The Talent Foundry set off on the Coast2Coast challenge to cycle the 250 miles from Carlisle to Newcastle in just 3 days! The team hope to raise £50k for The Talent Foundry through their extreme charity cycle ride.
The Talent Foundry is an independent education charity, and their mission is to increase social mobility by helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds discover what they are amazing at. The charity’s aim is to increase social mobility by helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds discover what they are amazing at, develop valuable new employment skills and take that first step into the world of work.
Over the next 5 years, through their Bridge programme, The Talent Foundry want to work with at least an additional 5,000 school leavers, giving them the training and confidence to secure some of the best apprenticeship roles in the country. The Bridge programmes create a unique pre-apprenticeship partnership between major employers and The Talent Foundry’s UK-wide network of over 1,600 schools. The intensive programme is co-curated and delivered by The Talent Foundry and each employer, and provides organisations with access to a diverse talent pipeline.
The Coast-to-Coast Ride 2021 will raise funds for the Bridge or The Talent Foundry’s core costs. Donations can be made here.
Cate Smith, Head of Programmes at The Talent Foundry said:
“I want to say a huge thank you to everyone undertaking the Coast2Coast challenge to raise funds for The Talent Foundry. Cycling 250 miles in three days is a massive undertaking but it’s for a brilliant cause. I am so proud of our pre apprenticeship Bridge programme and know it’s going to make a real difference to the life chances of disadvantaged young people.”