Fourth Consecutive ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted Grading for Hadlow College’s Residential Care Provision

Hadlow College is delighted to announce that its residential care provision for under-18 students has been graded ‘Outstanding’ at a recent Ofsted inspection. This is the fourth consecutive inspection where the College has received this grade – making Hadlow one of the leading colleges in the country for residential provision.
The inspection team, who visited in November 2017, awarded the Overall experiences and progress of young people Outstanding with no recommendations, which also took into account outstanding gradings for How well young people are helped and protected and the Effectiveness of Leaders and Managers. In addition there were no recommendations against the national minimum standards for residential care provision for the fourth consecutive inspection.
Hadlow College offers a safe, nurturing environment where students progress and achieve. They are very proud of the residential community in which they live, stating to inspectors they “feel valued, and know they are part of a supportive community that helps them thrive and move forward to achieve their goals in their chosen careers.” Students “were unanimous in their views that they feel safe living in the residential community. The staff and the residential students have a shared sense of responsibility for everyone’s safety and welfare.”
Inspectors observed that the students “live in a vibrant and stimulating environment that enriches their experiences and positively influences their academic and personal development” and that their views “are central to new initiatives and developments.” Students spoke passionately about the “wide range of enrichment activities and social events”, including themed discos, quiz nights, film nights, bowling, ice-skating or the opportunity to join one of many sports teams or the gym.
Beverley Cleves, Group Vice Principal of Student Support Services, said: “We are delighted with this outcome and I’m very proud of how all our students develop and progress as part of our residential community – they are at the heart of everything we do. To have the Ofsted report recognise the team’s passion in providing a positive experience for all the residential students is hugely rewarding. The report highlights our “inspirational and dynamic culture of high aspiration and high expectation.” The team who support our residential students have all played a significant part in creating this culture.”
Residential provision at Hadlow comprises 215 single study rooms available for rent by full-time students, 160 of which are located within the Student Village, in the heart of the campus. The remaining 55 en-suite rooms at Grove Farm, just two-and-a-half miles away from the main campus, are available to over-18s. Students can relax after lectures in the on-site bar and a common room which offers a range of activities and entertainment.
Ofsted highlighted an ethos which the College prides itself on: one of “respect and inclusivity…..leaders and managers actively and effectively promote tolerance, equality and diversity. The students live in an environment where difference is accepted, appreciated and celebrated.”