So many firms leaving their Gender Pay Gap reporting right up to the deadline is disappointing

Gender Pay Gap reporting deadline, Ann Francke OBE, CEO of @CMI_managers comments
The deadline for employers to report their 2020-21 gender pay gap (for 31 March – 5 April 2020) is tomorrow, Tuesday, October 5th. The last time gender pay gap reporting was mandatory (2018-19), 10,841 employers submitted their data. With the deadline fast approaching for reporting, as of the morning of Monday, 4th October only 7,474 employers have submitted the information.
Ann Francke OBE, Chief Executive of CMI:
“As these are the first gender pay gap figures we’re seeing since before the pandemic they will give a really interesting insight into how women’s pay has fared over the past 12 months. The pandemic has set women back even further in the workplace so it’s urgent that organisations report and develop action plans.
“To see so many firms leaving their reporting right up to the deadline is disappointing. Many will no doubt be late. It suggests that far too often gender pay isn’t top of the corporate agenda and that it’s something of an after-thought. This isn’t right.
“All organisations have an obligation to address gender-related pay issues. There can be no excuse for any board or director ignoring gender-based pay gaps in this day and age.Reporting and transparency create a better, more inclusive culture. Reporting also helps attract and retain talent which is something employers need to do in this labour market.
I wonder whether many firms are leaving their reporting to the last minute due to genuine time-pressures in the office, or a fingers-crossed attitude that getting their data in as late as possible will avoid scrutiny? Whatever the reason, they need to make sure any gender pay gaps that they have are identified, investigated, and sorted out.”