Katherine takes the next step into a Nursing Degree

After completing a Level 2 Health and Social Care course, alongside her GCSEs at Soham Village College (@SohamVC), Katherine Haward wanted to further her learning with a Level 3 Health and Social Care qualification to support her aspirations of becoming a nurse. Upon considering her options for further education, Katherine enrolled with Cambridge Regional College (@CRC_College) and commenced her two-year post-16 studies.
Katherine said,
“Cambridge Regional College is well situated and was easy for me to reach with its own bus service and links to the guided busway, but over and above that, it was the fact that I would be taught by teachers with first-hand experience of the Health and Social Care industry. At CRC, I had direct access to the wealth of knowledge and experience they had to share.”
Upon receiving her results, Katherine was thrilled to achieve triple Distinction* securing her place at Anglia Ruskin University to study Adult Nursing. In addition to her academic achievements, Katherine was also pleased to have secured key skills to support her higher education, such as such as academic writing and communication.
Katherine added
“I will be able to apply my knowledge, skills and understanding when doing my nursing degree. I now have experience of writing long assignments, I know how to effectively communicate with people and I have a sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology along with an understanding of specific diseases and illnesses which will be very useful as I move forward.”
Katherine attributes her success to good time management and additional preparation throughout the summer to give her a head start on the second year of study, concluding, “The assignments are long, and the exams need a lot of revision which may seem hard to juggle, but by managing my time well I was able to keep on top of the workload and units. I would recommend the course as I got so much out of it. The teaching and assessment style of the course really suited me, and I feel prepared to take the next step towards my chosen career.”