Mayor of Harrow commends Stanmore College’s Business Students

The Worshipful, The Mayor of Harrow, Councillor Nitin Parekh, visited Stanmore College on Thursday, 20th June to congratulate the Business students on their excellent work and impressive achievements. The Mayor commended the students and informed them that his own background had been in finance; having had experience of business he was delighted to hear how well the Business study programme was doing at Stanmore College and noted the great results students were achieving.
Former business students, Sarujan Tharmamoorthy and Jitesh Bhuva, now undertaking Business degrees at Hertfordshire University, and Jenika Bhundia and Alexandar Oio, enjoying undergraduate study at Nottingham University, returned to Stanmore College to share their success stories about life after Stanmore with existing business students. They spoke of how supportive Stanmore teachers were, the friends they had made at College, how the College had prepared them well for work and university and some of them were now doing both i.e. holding part-time jobs and studying. The business course at Stanmore College had not just given them an advantage being a level 3 dedicated business qualification and access to employment and university but they had also learned about marketing, how to write assignments properly, improved their confidence and increased their determination to do well in life.
The role of Master of Ceremonies fell to Curriculum Manager, Sijul Miah, who presented speakers and generated excitement and anticipation among all present prior to each award winner announcement by mercilessly withholding names under Award Titles on the screen and use of speech pauses before revealing the winners!
Teachers: Khalil Muhammadi, Amirul Azam, Kazeem Salami, Tutors: Nicholas Estephane and Karen Dawson and Deputy Head of School, James Duncan, presented awards to hard working students. The Mayor and Principal, Sarbdip Noonan, took to the stage to present Student of the Year Awards for each level of the business programme to those who had worked tirelessly, maintained high attendance and excellent punctuality, and contributed in class. Winners included student Rianne Newman who proudly received a trophy from the Mayor, certificate from the Principal and advised students to “stay focused and take the great support from teachers who were supportive and always happy to help“.Taksh Shah advised student colleagues to “listen to teachers and help friends”; the audience had heard how impressed External Verifiers had been with Taksh’s work.
Sarbdip Noonan, Principal, spoke of how students were developing into well rounded individuals with knowledge, training and qualifications to enable them to contribute to society.
Level 3 student, Hibha Qazi, told all present that she felt honoured to have won an award; it was very special, teachers had worked hard to thoroughly explain every aspect of her course and had been incredibly kind. Hibha had recently received a conditional offer to study law at City University.
The final award was for a member of staff; it went to Stephanie Chittenden, Head of School, for all her support and guidance.
Special thanks went to The Worshipful, The Mayor, Councillor Nitin Parekh, for taking time out of his busy schedule to formally recognise the business students’ achievements.