National achievement rates tables 2016 to 2017

Apprenticeship, education and training annual national achievement rate tables (NARTs), including open data CSVs.
A range of outputs on the 2016 to 2017 qualification achievement rates (QARs), produced to that year’s published methodology, have been provided here. More detail on methodology is available at Qualification achievement rates 2016 to 2017.
National achievement rates tables (NARTs) are intended to provide estimates against the published methodology for that particular year.
The NARTs are summary indicators of performance in apprenticeships and education and training. Individual providers use the data to benchmark their own targets and actual performance.
DfE also provide some tables with time series to provide transparency on how performance has changed over time. To provide comparable data they retrospectively apply the latest methodology to the previous two years.
Main text: SFR19/2018
In addition, a number of other tables are made available to give transparency to the system. They are available at National achievement rates tables: transparency data.
For more information on FE data, please see the FE and skills SFR collection.
Further education statistical production team:
Andy Cooke
Department for Education
Cheylesmore House
Quinton Road