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Consultation into regulating Basic Digital Skills Qualifications

Seeking views on the regulation of new qualifications for Basic Digital Skills.

Ofqual yesterday (5 Nov) launched a consultation on how it proposes to regulate new Basic Digital Skills Qualifications (BDSQs), which form part of the government’s plans to improve adults basic digital skills.

Sally Collier100x100Commenting on the consultation Ofqual’s Chief Regulator, Sally Collier, said:

These new qualifications are designed to help learners access the many opportunities the digital world presents, giving them core skills and knowledge to operate confidently, effectively and independently. We have set out today how we intend to regulate BDSQs to ensure they deliver these aims and I would encourage anyone with an interest to give us their views.

The consultation, and our draft Conditions and Requirements and Guidance documents, set out our proposed approach to regulating BDSQs. Running until 11 January 2019, the consultation seeks views on the qualifications’ defining characteristics, including their design, delivery and awarding, and on our proposed approach to maintaining standards.

The Department for Education is consulting on plans to improve basic digital skills training for adults and on new national standards for basic digital skills. BDSQs will align with these standards.

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