Report: How the workforce feel about supporting apprentices

The recent report by The Mentoring School, “How the workforce feel about supporting apprentices“, summarises the results of a survey conducted with 100 random employees, including employees, self-employed people, team leaders, middle managers, senior management and CEOs or directors.
Results show that the lowest level of confidence in supporting apprentices is actually the people working with current apprentices, whether they were managers or colleagues (44%). Only 3 in 10 people at team management level feel confident in supporting apprentices.
Richard Daniel Curtis, CEO says: “We call this the missing side of apprenticeships, both the training provider and the employer work to train the apprentice, but no one trains the employer how to do so.
“These statistics highlight the incredible skills shortage in the workforce and represent a huge risk for amplifying the number of apprentices across the country.”
About The Mentoring School: The Mentoring School works with apprentice training providers and employers to deliver the National Apprentice Mentoring Qualification – an award-winning course that trains people to mentor apprentices that the team are currently working to register as an official qualification with Ofqual. They also produce the Apprenticeship Journal, a resource for apprentices to track their own inductions, meetings, targets and off-the-job training. Set up by behaviour expert Richard Daniel Curtis, the multi-award winning training service offers courses for mentoring young people, refugees, apprentices, business leaders and entrepreneurs, plus set up workplace mentoring schemes.