SailGP Inspire Careers and Racing candidates announced

Ten students from the University have been offered the chance to gain valuable learning and development experience when the Great Britain Sail Grand Prix arrives in the city this month.
The students, along with a further six from Plymouth City College, have been chosen for SailGP’s Inspire Careers program, which will enable them to gain exposure in the sport through career pathways such as On-water Operations, Race Management, Ropes and Rigging, Hospitality, Photography & Videography, Boatbuilding, and Sustainability.
The Inspire program has been aligned with the respective curricula at each of the educational institutions. Interests ranging from content creation to media and race management operations, health and safety to environmental studies, enabled a broader number of students to submit their interest through SailGP’s application process.
Dr Steve Gaskin, Head of the Careers Service at the University, said:
“We are delighted to be an official partner of SailGP Inspire Careers. This is a fantastic, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our students to get hands-on experience at the very centre of one of the world’s most exciting sailing events. Our university location, right at the heart of Britain’s Ocean City, gives our students so many amazing experiences, but this one is definitely a major highlight. Competition for internship places was understandably tough – I congratulate those who were successful and encourage them to enjoy and make the most of it.”
The successful candidates from the University were: Shana Clarke, Alastair Hammond, Connie Stevens, Max Clayton Griggs, Peter Russell, Kristian Hookham, Wang Ying Sia, Ridhwan A B Mohamed, Ruby Ashton Reeves, Mui Tsz Yau.
Inspire Ropes & Rigging career candidate Connie Stevens said:
“Excited and happy to be a part of such a cutting edge event, and my expectations are to be able to see and learn about the workings of the rigging team and be able to meet the people behind it.”
Inspire Hospitality career candidate Ridhwan A B Mohamed added:
“I feel enthusiastic and determined to take part in this event. It’s my first time and I’m looking forward to meeting new people and enjoying the experience. I expect to pick up skills in my department (Health and Safety) which will help me in the future wherever applicable.”
Sailors from eight of Plymouth’s local sailing clubs have also been given the opportunity to develop their skills through the Inspire Racing program featuring foiling WASZPs and the RS Feva class boats. During the Great Britain Sail Grand Prix on July 17–18, 32 Inspire Racing candidates will take to Plymouth Sound demonstrating their sailing abilities in front of family, friends and sports fans alike.