Salford City College student Robert wins ‘All Round Inspiration’ at Care Leavers’ Awards

Robert Wright has won the ‘All Round Inspiration’ at the Greater Manchester Care Leavers’ Awards, held at Royal Northern College of Music.
The award ceremony is organised by the universities and local authorities in Greater Manchester alongside the Care Leavers’ Association; it recognises the achievements of care-experienced young people from across the region and provides an opportunity to award a young person who deserves credit for what they have done in any aspect of their life. The association recognises that many Care Leavers’ achieve success despite experiencing very difficult circumstances during their lives and the winners, like Robert, all receive £100 worth of vouchers.
After presenting the awards for all the categories including Community and Volunteering, Sport and Leisure and Apprenticeships, the evening culminated in the final award for ‘All Round Inspiration’ which went to Salford City College student, Robert Wright. Robert has volunteered for five years at YouCan Community Club working with young people and he also volunteers for the British Heart Foundation in Eccles and is on the Salford Youth Council. At the awards ceremony, a spokesperson from The British Heart Foundation said, “Robert is always a pleasure to work with and could have been nominated in many of the categories tonight!”
Robert hasn’t been shy of accepting awards as this is his third accolade this year! His first award was presented to him at the Salford City College Annual Awards and Showcase on behalf of the Rotary Club for ‘Outstanding Volunteer,’ and he was also given a medal for his involvement with YouCan Community Club winning the Queen’s Award (the equivalent of an MBE for voluntary groups).
Robert said, “All Round Inspiration is a very prestigious award and it’s another reason why this has been such a brilliant year!”