STEM Activities Prove a Real Hit During Latest College Open Evening

The latest Open Evening at Sussex Coast College Hastings was a huge hit last Thursday.
Almost 600 visitors came along to the Station Plaza Open Evening last week to try out lots of fun and engaging STEM activities.
The college welcomed students from year 9, 10 and 11 from schools across Hastings, Bexhill and Eastbourne, so that they could explore the facilities and get a genuine feel for college life.
The A-Level tutors got together in the LRC to take visitors on an exploration of the eye, exploring the biology of the human eye, how light travels through our lens, and the different theories of perception.
Our engineering tutors set up in the atrium and demonstrated scientific tricks using magnets and encouraged students to experiment with non-Newtonian fluids. The catering tutors challenged students to a mini bush-tucker trial by offering them some crunchy critters, and they also boggled the mind with some magic taste changing liquid, turning the taste of strawberries into pork.
Our Information and Creative Technology tutors pulled out all the stops with their very impressive virtual reality set-up. Students could fully immerse themselves in a virtual world, protecting a medieval castle with a bow and arrow.
As well as being able to chat to tutors about the courses on offer at the college, and speak to existing students about their time at college, visitors could also look further into the future and chat to a number of employers about possible careers in STEM industries.
Principal, Clive Cooke, said: “What a fantastic evening. I was delighted to see so many people come along to the college and get stuck in with everything that we had on offer.
I thought the college looked fantastic and it had a really great feel to it. By giving the young people the opportunity to see that STEM subjects are exciting, will hopefully mean that they will be considering STEM industries as a career.”