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Educationwise Academy: Redefining Apprenticeship Excellence with an Outstanding Ofsted Rating

Gavin Deane

Gavin Deane is the Founder and Chief Executive of Educationwise Academy, a national apprenticeship provider specialising in Sport, Rail and Business. Recently they have been rated OUTSTANDING in all areas by Ofsted following their first full inspection, just 12 months after having their first apprentice succeed at end-point-assessment.  

With a predominantly remote delivery model, the inspection provided a chance for Educationwise to showcase their forward-thinking curriculum and systems to ensure every learner and every employer can access and benefit from the Outstanding provision that Educationwise has on offer. 

During our conversation, Gavin painted a picture of how he embraced one of his organisation’s core values of openness and honesty as guiding beacons throughout his preparation for the inspection. He underscored the transformative power of transparent communication, both internally within his organization and externally with the Ofsted inspectors. By fostering an environment of trust and authenticity, Gavin forged a solid foundation upon which his entire team thrived. 

Gavin’s inspiring journey stands as a testament to the power of embracing core values such as openness and honesty. By weaving these principles into the fabric of his organisation, Gavin not only navigated the challenges of an Ofsted inspection but transcended them. 

See our interview with Gavin Deane below:

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