From education to employment

How STEM can promote a more sustainable future programme

plant in hand

Join Protecting our Planet Day on 10 November 2022 to learn how STEM can promote a more sustainable future

  • Full day programme with live link ups from experts and hidden climate heroes from around the world and here in the UK
  • Patrons, panellists and Climate Ambassadors sharing how they use STEM to protect our planet and how students can do the same
  • Hear from climate experts and leaders including the Captain of the RRS Sir David Attenborough one of the world’s leading research vessels and Boaty McBoatface, perhaps the most famous underwater vehicle
  • Take part in climate change themed activities during STEM Clubs Hour

STEM Learning and the Climate Change Educational Partnership (CCEP) will deliver a spectacular programme of events for primary and secondary schools to explore how we can use STEM to protect our planet. POP22 will feature talks full of inspiration and exciting classroom activities from innovators and experts working to tackle climate change. Sessions will explore a range of vital ecosystems and green careers via experts, ambassadors and panellists. Schools will also have the opportunity to hear from the producers behind Frozen Planet II, BBC’s latest nature documentary exploring the coldest corners of Earth.

See the full programme for Protecting Our Planet Day (POP22) here.

Alex Brown, STEM Enrichment Manager at STEM Learning and said:

“We can’t wait for teachers and young people to join us for POP22. It’s going to be a really exciting event. Understanding and addressing the science and challenges of climate change are vital for the future prosperity of the UK and our planet as a whole, and we are delighted to be partnering with the UK Space Agency and the Climate Change Educational Partnership. I hope the day will raise awareness of green career pathways and will offer young people an inspiring and empowering vision for their futures.”

Prof Dave Reay, Director of Edinburgh Climate Change Institute, University of Edinburgh, and member of the Climate Change Educational Partnership:

“I’m so excited about the brilliant sessions that are being run for Protecting our Planet Day. We have a starry array of world-leading scientists, each exploring the vital role natural ecosystems play in limiting climate change – from oceans and ice to forests and soils. As the latest big climate conference (COP27) takes place in Egypt that same week, Protecting our Planet Day promises to be a beacon for achieving greater climate action through enhanced education and understanding.”

Mark Brownlow, Executive Producer and Elizabeth White, Series Producer, Frozen Planet II, BBC:

“We’re really excited to be speaking directly to schools on Protecting our Planet Day. Whilst filming Frozen Planet II, the BBC Studios NHU team worked with scientists to understand the need to protect our ice, and we are looking forward to sharing our experiences of filming the show, and the stories of hope it shows, to schools across the UK in November.”

During POP22, schools will be transported from the classroom to Rothera Research Station in Antarctica and the RRS James Cook in Nova Scotia; and from mangroves in Australia right back to the peatland of Yorkshire. Over the course of the day, young people will learn about why ice, oceans, forests and the earth are vital ecosystems and how we can, and already are, protecting them for the future.

Primary schools will be invited to take part in ecosystem sessions that will bring climate change resources and activities into the classroom. Secondary schools will hear from panellists of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians, who will share how they are using their knowledge and expertise to help protect our planet and how today’s students can one day do the same. If all of that wasn’t enough, we’ll also hear from the teams behind CBeebies, Blue Peter and Autumn Watch!

Over 45,000 young people are already signed up to take part in POP22. You can find out more and do the same here.

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