Cambridge Regional College gains distinguished Chartered status

Cambridge Regional College (@CRC_College) has received Charted status through the Chartered Institution for Further Education (CIFE).
At a ceremony held at Apothecaries’ Hall, City of London, on Thursday 4th July, the College – along with six others from across the country – were admitted into the CIFE. CRC joins 14 other leading further education colleges to have achieved chartered FE status.
The Institution was established in 2015 to highlight the excellence of further education and skills training providers
CRC’s Principal, Mark Robertson, was in attendance. Speaking of the accolade, he said:
“At CRC we are absolutely delighted to be admitted into the prestigious Chartered Institute for Further Education. This Royal Charter Mark is a real accolade for the college and follows a rigorous selection process through which the Institute ensure that only the strongest colleges, delivering the best results for students, can receive this recognition.
“Through our membership we will have greater opportunity to provide advice and feedback to government on skills and education matters of importance to people’s life chances and to national prosperity.
“This accolade recognises the work we do at CRC to help our students to develop the range of skills they need in their careers, our close working with numerous employers to help them to develop a stream of talent to meet their organisational goals, and to serve the communities for whom a successful college is so important.
“Membership of The Chartered Institute for Further Education follows admission in 2024 to the College Collective, a group of around 20 highly performing colleges designed to develop and share best practice in post-16 education and training, being recognised by Ofsted in our most recent inspection in 2023 as being Good and Strong in all that we do, achieving the highest possible grade for quality of governance, a rating of ‘Outstanding’ for financial health, maintaining Investors in People Gold status , and supporting the work of the employers’ organisations, the CBI and Make UK, through their national skills advisory groups.”
Kate da Costa, Deputy Principal at CRC, added:
“I’m delighted CRC has been admitted to the Chartered Institution for Further Education. This accolade is a testament to the hard work of everyone at the College to encourage our students to thrive.
“We have an amazing staff team – without whom we wouldn’t be able to do what we do.”