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Foundation Degree prepared Darragh for his paramedic career

Foundation Degree prepared Darragh for his paramedic career

Having joined South West College after his GCSEs, Darragh Doherty, from Strabane, is now celebrating heading off to begin his Degree in Paramedic Science.

Darragh joined the college knowing that a career in healthcare was where he saw himself.

“When I left school, I initially intended to go into nursing, and so felt that the Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care would be a better fit for me than A-Levels. It made sense to gain some hands-on experience before getting to university stage. The course was great, and it really confirmed for me that I was on the right track for a medical career.”

“As I approached the end of the course, I felt that starting the Foundation Degree would be a good next step. Due to the pandemic, there had not been as many opportunities for placement as hoped, and when you want to have a career in the health professions, those placements are invaluable experience. The Foundation Degree would give me more time to become knowledgeable, and find exactly which areas I’m strongest in.”

As it turned out, by Darragh undertaking the Foundation Degree, he gained the time and experience to realise that his calling was as a first responder, and that it was a career as a Paramedic that would suit his abilities and personality rather than proceeding to adult nursing.

Darragh says: “The Foundation Degree in Science in Health and Social Care is very flexible in that respect; it allows you to apply for many different health-based careers.

“Overall the course has been constant in terms of workload and placement, but not overwhelming. The class sizes at SWC are small, so there was a lot of one-to-one support available from the tutors.”

Health and Social Care programmes at SWC can open many doors for students. If you would like to learn more, visit South West College Website.

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