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New Data Shows UK Workers Are Looking To Level Up

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New data reveals that 80% more online users are looking for ‘Management Training’ from distance learning providers.

Following the pandemic, access to opportunities has increased with individuals able to study online and work online without geographical barriers stopping them from developing themselves both personally and professionally.

New data from distance learning provider, DLC Training, shows that search impressions to their site have increased across all industries for management queries and qualification searches demonstrating how the UK are looking to ‘level up’ their current role and better themselves professionally.

Data Shows an Increased Interest in Qualifications 

Comparing the last three months with the previous three, there has been a 47% increase in impressions for ‘Professional Qualifications’ and a huge surge of 1660% for ‘Academic Qualification.’ 

Neil Finegan from DLC Training, who specialises in learning and development, commented:

“This significantly higher demand for information about qualifications, both academic and professional, shows that people of all backgrounds are looking to further their knowledge and expand their expertise. It is also demonstrative of the digital transformation we are seeing when it comes to learning; there is more scope for online study and the qualifications are much more flexible to fit around working life, it’s no shock that people are looking for these from distance learning providers in late 2023.”

UK Workers Are Preparing for Promotion

Providing courses across a range of industries, including HR, Supply Chain, Accountancy and Operations, experts at DLC Training have also seen huge increases in impressions to the site for management courses and industry-specific courses across the board. Some of the most standout increases include the following:

  • ‘Management Training’ +80%
  • ‘Supply Chain Management’ +45% 
  • ‘HR Courses’ +150% 
  • ‘Logistic Courses’ +112% 
  • ‘Operations Management Course’ +34%’
  • Supply Chain Management Courses’ +46%
  • ‘AAT Bookkeeping Course’ +136% 

Neil Finegan commented, “With fewer barriers in place, the talent available across industries is now immense. We can infer, from the rise in ‘management’ courses and industry-specific courses, that individuals know that employer expectations have evolved and, thus, they must too.  Improving management skills, learning more about the industry and showing willingness to learn will only open doors to better paid and higher responsibility roles.”

What Benefits Come From ‘Levelling Up’ In Your Career?

According to expert, Neil Finegan, there are a range of benefits that come from expanding your training and dipping your toe into management:

Skill Enhancement

“By dedicating time to improving the skillset that’s relevant to your industry you can provide evidence in the form of certifications and qualifications that support your CV to stand out from the crowd of other applicants applying for promotions or new roles who are claiming to have the same skills.”

Career Advancement

“In many cases, more experience equals more opportunities for moving up the career ladder. This is especially true in more technical roles such as operations management etc. By taking the time to study further or expand your leadership skills, you’ll ultimately open up more chances of promotion in the long term.”

Increased Opportunities

“More training within your industry and beyond also puts you in the running for other opportunities. It can make career changes much more seamless, can allow you to take ownership of new projects and help you to appeal to recruiters even more.”

Personal Growth

“Finally, any aspect of training or studying not only helps you grow professionally but personally, too. It requires discipline to balance working, studying and to fit such things around a busy lifestyle. You’ll work on key skills like organisation and time management, and improve your communication skills – all of which will be transferable to a range of work opportunities and in your day-to-day, too.”

Visit DLC Training and browse the range of distance learning courses available for beginners up to advanced level learning.

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