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Without stronger protections for workers, another P&O style scandal is “on the cards”

  • P&O scandal showed us cowboy capitalism at its very worst, says TUC – six months after mass sacking of seafarers
  • POLLING: Stronger workers’ rights overwhelmingly popular – including with Conservative voters

The TUC has today (Saturday) warned the government that another P&O style scandal is on the cards, unless ministers deliver stronger protections for workers.

The warning comes as today marks the six month anniversary of the P&O scandal, which saw 800 seafarers illegally sacked without notice and consultation.

The mass sacking is widely regarded as a nadir for the treatment of workers in recent years.

Despite widespread outrage at P&O, company bosses escaped criminal proceedings and P&O owner DP World posted record half-year profits.

Commenting on the six month anniversary of the P&O scandal today (Saturday), TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said:

“Everyone deserves respect and dignity at work.

“But there are too many bad bosses in this country who treat their staff appallingly – and get away with it because of our lax labour laws.

“The P&O scandal showed us cowboy capitalism at its very worst.

“Eight hundred dedicated seafarers were illegally sacked without notice or consultation – over video call – and replaced with agency workers on less than the minimum wage.

“But despite behaving like corporate gangsters, P&O has been allowed to get away scot-free – and its owner has even registered eye-watering profits on the back of the mass sacking.

 “It’s an insult to working people up and down the country.

“Now is the time for government action on workers’ rights. Rogue employers need to know they can’t get away with treating staff like disposable labour.

“Let’s be clear. Without stronger protections for workers, another P&O style scandal is on the cards.”

Huge support for stronger workers’ rights

The warning comes after recent TUC polling by GQR showed huge support for boosting workers’ rights.

Voters of all parties across the political spectrum support stronger workers’ rights, according to the polling.

The overwhelming majority of the public – including a majority of those who say they will vote Conservative at the next election – want to see rights in the workplace bolstered:

  • Eight in 10 (79%) support protecting and enhancing all workers’ rights which have been retained since we left the EU such as holiday pay, safe limits on working time and rest breaks – and 81% of Conservative voters
  • Three in four (74%) support ending ‘fire and rehire’ – the practice where employers threaten to sack workers unless they accept new contracts with worse terms and conditions – rising to 77% among Conservative voters
  • Three in four (76%) support boosting workers’ rights in the gig economy –  rising to 78% of Conservative voters
  • Seven in 10 (68%) support banning zero hours contracts – 66% of Conservative voters
  • More than three in four (77%) support the introduction of ‘fair pay agreements’ across whole sectors to introduce minimum pay and rights floors in industries –  78% of Conservative voters.

Strengthening workers’ rights is also overwhelmingly popular across all age groups, but is most popular among the over 55s.

TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady recently warned Liz Truss “don’t be the P&O prime minister, don’t touch our hard-won rights” – as reports emerged that she was considering ripping up EU-derived workers’ rights.

These rights include holiday pay, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and equal pay for women and men.

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