EDHEC Business School Hires 11 New Professors

EDHEC Business School has recruited 11 new professor-researchers for the new academic year. This represents a 30% increase in the last three years.
These new professors command significant international experience and were recruited for their academic excellence, experience of industry and commitment to making an impact on the business world.
Finance remains an area of excellence at EDHEC, with four of the new professors specialising in it. This position was confirmed when EDHEC was awarded the top spot in the 2017 Financial Times ranking for its Master in Finance, in 2017.
Besides Finance, EDHEC’s teaching programs also have a strong focus on innovation and new technologies: information systems, data analysis, digital business, and mobile applications. These are matched with academic research on hot topics such as artificial intelligence, knowledge integration and digital business.
EDHEC’s academic community now extends to 184 professors and researchers with a strong ability to develop impactful research.
Unique among French business schools, EDHEC’s business model is that 20% of the Business School’s income comes from research.
According Christophe Roquilly, Associate Dean for Faculty and Research at EDHEC Business School “These new professors reinforce EDHEC’s academic community in a wide variety of teaching and research disciplines. Their profiles offer a coherent combination of academic excellence, pedagogical experience and a clear grasp of the issues currently facing businesses”.
The new arrivals are:
– Mohamed Benmerikhi, British, Professor of Strategy and Operations, formerly of IAE, Lille.
PhD, Strategic Management (IAE, Lille)
– Hamid Boustanifar, Iranian, Professor of Finance, formerly at BI Norwegian Business School.
PhD, Finance (Stockholm School of Economics)
– Grégoire Cauchie, French, Professor of Economics, formerly at the Catholic University of Lille.
PhD, Economics (University of Lille)
– Etienne Denis, Belgian, Professor of Marketing, formerly at Louvain School of Management in Belgium.
PhD, Economics and Management Sciences (Louvain School of Management)
– Gianfranco Gianfrate, Italian, Professor of Finance, formerly at Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands), Harvard University (USA) and Bocconi University (Italy).
PhD, Business Administration & Management (Bocconi University)
– Léontine Goldzahl, French, Professor of Economics, formerly at Paris Dauphine University and the University of Manchester.
PhD, Economics (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University – Paris School of Economics)
– Antoine Harfouche, French, Professor of Information Systems and Data Analysis, formerly at Paris Nanterre University.
PhD, Business Administration – Management Science (Paris Dauphine University)
– Gianpaolo Parise, Italian, Professor of Finance, formerly an economist at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland.
PhD, Finance (Swiss Finance Institute of the University of Lugano)
– Kim Peijnenburg, Dutch, Professor of Finance, formerly at HEC Paris and Bocconi University.
PhD, Finance (University of Tilburg)
– Thomas Sorreda (from January 2019), French, Professor of Management, formerly at EM Normandy.
PhD, Management Science (ESCP Europe and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University)
– Skrålan Vergauwe (from January 2019), German, Professor of Accounting, formerly at Lancaster University Management School.
PhD, Business Economics (KU Leuven)