Parenta Training reinforces its leadership team with the appointment of a new Managing Director who is a Quality & Compliance expert

The UK’s largest provider of early years vocational apprenticeships, Parenta Training, enters the next phase of its commitment to “fully embed unrivalled quality within apprenticeship programme delivery” with the addition of a new Managing Director Edyta White.
Allan Presland who founded Parenta in 1999 continues to play an active role in the business and moves to Parenta Group Chairman. To ensure the quality of apprenticeship delivery is the businesses’ key focus and in order to challenge his leadership team effectively, he has also appointed two Non-executive Directors as his Board of Governors.
Quality and Compliance mover and shaker, Edyta White, joins Parenta Training’s robust senior management team as Managing Director at an exciting time in its journey; and takes the helm to lead the business through this next significant stage.
Polish-born Edyta, mother of one (two including dog!) has an exemplary Quality and Compliance record within the hospitality industry. Her years of first-hand experience of apprenticeships means that she appreciates the journey an apprentice follows and understands the challenges that may be faced. Her Senior Leader Degree Apprenticeship, with Masters in Educational Leadership – complemented by an array of education industry qualifications and coaching experience – has led her to Parenta, to early years education, where her heart lies.
Edyta has crystal-clear vision of the path Parenta Training will take on the final part of its quality journey. Speaking from the company’s HQ in Maidstone, Kent, she said: “It was such an easy decision to join Parenta Training. What impressed me most about the senior management team was the hunger for change and improvement. Parenta People are passionate about early years education, they are loyal to the cause, and committed to be the best. It’s very common in the apprenticeship industry that those who deliver service to learners and employers often forget to address their own development and progress. However, Parenta People are mindful of the deeper impact that delivery of early years training has. The whole team understands that the quality of training we provide will have a direct influence on the learning and development of children – which is why we strive to empower our learners to be the best practitioners they can. I feel privileged to be able to lead the team on the journey to excellence.
“Quality and compliance will always be my key areas. When I talk about quality, I mean every aspect of the service we provide – from customer service, through delivery of teaching, learning and assessment, to administrative work. In fact, Customer Service is at the heart of every single thing we do here at Parenta – and we shall continue to focus on that as we head into what is going to be a busy and successful 2022.”
Editors’ notes:
Parenta Training is the UK’s largest vocational training provider within the early years sector, offering apprenticeships at all levels. It trains in excess of 2,500 nursery staff per year with the support, knowledge and guidance of its in-house skilled team of tutors. With over 20 years’ experience in the sector, it works in partnership with thousands of practitioners, offering a free recruitment service to help settings invest in tomorrow’s generation of childcarers.
Media enquiries to: Gail James, PR & Communications Marketing Manager – [email protected]