10 Mental Health Tips for Online Students

A bout of depression, family history of anxiety, or a nagging doubt that something isn’t quite right are all incentives to take care of your poor mental health; here are nine key areas to focus on:
Take care of yourself It’s important to take care of your physical health as this can affect your mind. Trying to keep a balanced diet whilst also drinking plenty of water can help your energy levels. Things like junk food, alcohol, and some non-prescribed drugs can leave you feeling down.
Exercise Our mood is affected by chemicals in the body. Even gentle exercise can release ‘happy hormones’ that not only help us look and feel better, but can also increase concentration and aid sleep.
Sleep and rest Our bodies heal when we sleep and it’s often easier to drift off when our mind is well-rested. Therefore, take some time out during the day for a brisk walk or to meditate; anything you consider a break from your chores.
Learn to meditate
At the core of many relaxation routines is meditation, but where should you start? Most involve focusing on a single point, such as the sensation of breathing. Follow this meditation guide for helpful tips.
Get mindful
Mindfulness, or a state of active attention on the present, has come to the forefront in recent years as a core component in mental health. It can help you focus on the here and now, form memories, and slow down your thought processes. According to Psychology Today, mindfulness can help even during your busiest moments. Consider enrolling for the next start date of our new online course, The Mindful Semester to explore techniques for managing stress and cultivating self-awareness.
Eat right and exercise
We know this one’s easier said than done, but the basic components of healthy living have a significant impact on physical and mental health. Meal planning and set scheduled time to exercise can be great ways to get into a routine. Also consider diets, such as keto diet. They help a lot.
Getting enough sleep has serious benefits, from reduced stress levels to a healthier body. But when you’re juggling work, school, and family, how can you reliably get the recommended 7-9 hours a night? Follow these tips for getting a good night’s sleep.
It may be hard to remember with so much to do, but it’s important to set aside time to spend responsibly with friends.
Set realistic goals
Don’t stress if you can’t achieve everything all at once. The best way to ensure you’re hitting your goals is to make them challenging but reasonable – things you can accomplish without sacrificing the other items on this list!
Make time for fun
Have a favorite activity that helps you unwind? Make time for your hobby. Mental health experts agree that penciling yourself in for some “me time” is an important part of anyone’s life.
Extra Tips:
Get out of the house
If you’re able, go outside for some of the items on this list. According to Business Insider, taking a walk in the wilderness or doing a yoga routine in the sunshine can offer surprising health benefits.
Go easy on yourself
It’s often easy to forgive loved ones for forgetting to finish a task or misremembering an appointment. But why are we often so hard on ourselves? It’s important to hold ourselves accountable, but studies have also shown that self-compassion is an important part of good mental health.
Whether it’s calling your academic advisor, talking to a loved one, or seeking assistance from a therapist, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Arizona Online students have access to comprehensive counseling and support services. Whether it’s watching a quick video to de-stress or seeking long-term solutions for issues like stress, anxiety or depression, university resources can help.