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Consistent Training Provision Say LSC

The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) have announced a new contract to continue to co-operate with Xansa, extending their Business Partnership which is estimated to be worth £24 million over the two year period.

As close partners, Xansa, the information technology outsourcing company, will provide the LSC with information and services to support the LSC, an organisation formed in 2001 to be responsible for funding and training and development for all over 16’s excluding Higher Education. There are almost six million adults in Britain without any qualifications, and nearly seven million lack basic levels of skill in numeracy and / or literacy.

Xansa Helps With”¦

Amongst the services provided by Xansa for the LSC will be their support management information activities, allowing the LSC to operate a smoother funding process. The co-operation will also enable educators and training providers to enter information on web based forms which include validation protocols to improve the quality and consistency of the data.

The partnership will enable the LSC to fully appreciate the cost and time implications of the decisions that it takes with regards to policy formulation, monitoring and implementation. Xansa will also support the LSC in analysing the data gathered, a vital component in the smooth operation of the Council; they have also built and provide the support for the funding allocation system that helps the LSC distribute its budget of up to £8 billion pounds each year amongst the colleges.

LSC Look Forward With Confidence

The LSC are delighted at the extension of their contract with Xansa, with Andy Walton, HR Business Process Manager, saying: “Xansa provided excellent project management and clearly demonstrated a good understanding of the business, a solutions driven approach and a commitment to delivery.”

Jethro Marsh

Read more Further Education opinion in the FE Blog

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